Universal Changes

August 6, 2016, 4:22 PM

I am so impressed with all of the work Universal has done in recent years. My last trip to the resort was the best park trip I have ever had. Stayed onsite at Hard Rock and loved every minute at the resort. We will be going back more than likely in 2018 and I am looking forward to all of the changes. I'm aware of the new part of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, the King Kong ride at IOA, Hulk's retrack, Transformers, more Simpsons scenery, getting Fast N Furious and Jimmy Fallon in 2017. I wanted to ask everyone if there are any other things that have occurred since 2012? Also, are there any other things coming before our trip in the Fall of 2018? I am hoping Fallon is taking Shreks place and Terminator is going away too. Any insight on this would be appreciated. Thank you.

Replies (4)

August 6, 2016, 6:04 PM

Comcast started pouring money into USO in an attempt to be the top theme park resort in Orlando

August 7, 2016, 8:58 AM

Fallon is taking over the old twister building, also there will be the new volcano bay waterpark opening next year, so you could always do that too. Apart from the new stuff you said about, I think that's about it for the changes. There would also be a change to city walk since you haven't been since 2012, with new shops, restaurants, etc.

Edited: August 7, 2016, 9:11 AM

Joe I writes: "Comcast started pouring money into USO in an attempt to be the top theme park resort in Orlando."

I respond: No. Comcast is strategically investing in the Universal Orlando resort to maximize quality service performance and profit. Whether the resort ranks at the top, or in second or third place in the Orlando market is not the primary concern.

(Warning cliche ahead).

It's business. It's not personal.

August 9, 2016, 8:17 AM

Well, there are a bunch of new restaurants. I'm not sure if eating is something you enjoy, but the upgrades and swaps seem to have really raised the bar at the UOR.

With that said, if you happen to have a car, and you like to eat, you may just take a quick drive down to Disney Springs, because they have some amazing new restaurants too. And parking doesn't cost anything, and the parking garages are an attraction unto themselves - so I hear.

I've been out of the country for almost two years, so there's a lot I haven't seen in person.

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