Tickets now on sale for PortAventura's Ferrari Land

Edited: February 1, 2017, 10:58 AM

PortAventura World in Costa Dorada, Spain has opened ticket sales for its new Ferrari Land theme park. The world's second Ferrari-themed park (after Abu Dhabi's Ferrari World), opens April 7. One-day tickets cost €60 for adults, and €52 for children ages 4-10 and seniors 60 and older. Tickets must be reserved for a specific date, and include admission to the original PortAventura Park, too.

The highlight of Ferrari Land will be the Vertical Accelerator, the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Europe. An Intamin launch coaster, like Kingda Ka and Top Thrill Dragster, Vertical Accelerator will launch from zero to 112 mph in five seconds, reaching a height of 367 feet on its 2,887-foot run. Other attractions will include free fall and bounce back tower rides, simulators, a whip ride, and a pit stop simulator in which you compete to adjust the tires on Ferrari F1 car in the least time possible.

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