BREAKING NEWS - Have Think Klugheim was the Hit until 2020 in Phantasialand ? Think again!

Edited: April 8, 2017, 6:37 PM

On 8000 qm something else will develoop their that acounting to Phantasialand's Imagnier Eric Daman will even get's his last Spectacular Project Enthusiasts raving about "Klugheim" in the Shadow. PHANTASIALAND is again and again inventing itself new..

The Steampunk Theming that will be used to create an State of the Art Atmosphere reminds me a lot on the Style of Tommorowland (the Dance Event)

UPDATE 8.4. Phantasialand ordered an Vekoma Flying Coaster. Source: Freizeitpark News NRW

This Season is the 50.St and the Land of Imagine will first time stay open until Midnight on 4 Saturdays in July and August. Including an Fireworks Spectacular Closing Ceremony.

The Park stays open from 9 to 24 July 08. and 22. 2017 and August 05. and 19. 2017

Admission is 46,50 €. If you visit in April (and likely that will be extended to May as well) you get an Twicket to return next day or any other Operations Day of the 2017 Season except ing July and August for Crowd Management Purposes.

Holger Halfmann for Theme Park Insider

Replies (2)

April 2, 2017, 6:17 AM

Add this to the futures board - I'd put good money on a flying theatre, especially given they've pulled down their large screen-based attraction to make room for it.

And hopefully we'll see something a little more imaginative than a Soarin' derivative if that's the case...

April 2, 2017, 12:40 PM

How I add this their?

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