Cedar Point installs tilting track for its new coaster

February 4, 2025, 9:52 PM · Cedar Point has installed the tilt track for its newest roller coaster.

Now sitting 160 feet in the air, the tilt track is the unique element of Cedar Point's Siren's Curse roller coaster. It's one of two Vekoma Tilt Coasters now under construction to debut in 2025, joining Circuit Breaker at Texas' COTAland.

Workers this morning hauled the 45-ton, 61-foot-long section of track into place. Once operational, the tilt track will rotate 90 degrees before releasing passengers into the rest of the 2,966-foot-long ride.

For a glimpse at what that experience will be like, here is the Siren's Curse POV that Cedar point released last week.

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Replies (7)

February 5, 2025 at 8:55 AM

Bridge too far me. Now Cedar Point has two rides ill be terrified of. Top Thrill 2 and this.

February 5, 2025 at 11:15 AM

What will it do if there's a power failure mid-tilt?

February 5, 2025 at 11:52 AM

@Sarah - Like most theme park attractions, there will probably be a backup generator installed to allow the panel to be operated in "hand" mode and allow for a safe evacuation of the coaster if main power is disrupted.

I'm still not sold on this coaster, but at least the progress here seems to indicate that Cedar Point might be able to get this running before July 4th. If CP can get TT2 running regularly and Siren's Curse opens in late June, July and August might be a really good time to take a visit to America's Roller Coast.

February 5, 2025 at 11:56 AM

Russell, have you experienced any new-gen Vekoma thrill coasters? I think they are the best product on the market right now. This isn't just a one-element gimmick like a B&M Dive Machine, it has a full layout that looks fast-paced and full of varied and exciting elements. I'm the last person to praise what this new monstrous Cedar Flags corporation has been doing, and I wish this had gone to a park that needed it more, but in a vacuum it's a very promising coaster, IMO.

February 5, 2025 at 1:36 PM

@evanweston - I've ridden F.L.Y. and Big Bear Mountain (@Dollywood, which is technically marketed as a "family" coaster, but is pretty thrilling), but not any of Vekoma's current-gen thrill coasters. I do think the layout of Siren's Curse is good, but I agree that the decision to put this at Cedar Point makes absolutely no sense, especially sitting right next to Valravn.

I do think the manufacturer has changed their perception dramatically over the past few years from the reputation created from all the headbanging clones of SLCs and boomerangs installed around the world. However, there must be a reason why there was only one tilt coaster in the world for over 2 decades. Maybe it's because it took 20+ years for Vekoma to perfect the design after the original prototype was built in China in 2002, or maybe it's that this gimmick is not all it's cracked up to be. I have to remain skeptical until proven otherwise, especially since this was originally slated to be installed in Mexico with a last minute swerve by SF to move it to Cedar Point because of the uncertainties around TT2. The other tilt coaster is going into COTAland, which may eventually grow, but is likely to start its life as a lightly visited park, so my skepticism was heightened even more when SF moved this from a moderately-visited park in Mexico to one of the most visited regional parks in the world. I've been proven wrong before, and I certainly hope, for Cedar Point's sake, that this coaster is successful, but there's too much working against this coaster right now for me to plan a trip to Cedar Point just for this. Again, maybe if TT2 is consistently working, and this can be up and running efficiently by the end of June, we can plan a long weekend to Sandusky in late-July/early August so I can check this out for myself. However, given all the new coasters opening in North America this year, this is pretty far down the list of priorities for me to experience in 2025, unless TT2 is running reliably, which would put a long weekend to Sandusky higher up the list given we can drive to Cedar Point in about 6-7 hours.

February 5, 2025 at 6:51 PM

A bit of a correction, Russell...

The first tilt coaster was Gravity Max in Taiwan. That ride was very novel for its time, but it failed to take off because Vekoma's reputation was pretty spotty then and parks were at the height of the coaster wars where tallest/longest/fastest was more important than rides featuring gimmicks. As such, Vekoma took the design back to the drawing board. In the meantime, Jinma Rides went and developed a more reliable version of the tilt coaster, which has been installed at several parks in China. Additionally, Intamin developed a tilt track for Escape from Gringotts, and while it doesn't tilt to a full 90 degree angle, the technology behind that element is very similar, thus there is a working example that a tilt feature in and of itself is not a disqualifier for a sizable park.

That said, this particular design is clearly not meant for a park with the attendance of Cedar Point as it is only capable of operating with two 24 passenger trains, making it the only major coaster at the park not capable of three train operation. I've heard the park is expecting a realistic operational capacity of only around 600 riders per hour for the ride (for comparison, Cedar Point's major coasters usually crank through 1,200+ per hour if running at full capacity). If this coaster can run reliably, I do think it brings a unique offering to the park, and based on the quality of rides like Fly and Hals-Uber-Kopf, could very well be a top five coaster at the park. However, with the possibility of issues and likelihood of insane lines, I probably will wait until next year before venturing out to the park to try it for myself.

February 5, 2025 at 8:56 PM

i forget about Gringotts having a tilt feature. I just didnt enjoy that ride. I would rather ride Frozen and EVERY coaster at Seaworld. Memorable queue goee without saying.

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