From my past experiences, I really do not see your weight being much of an issue. The only one I might be a bit concerned with are Dueling Dragons (or whatever the new name is) and Hulk Coaster just because they have restraints that could cause some problems with us with a few extra pounds. I haven't been to Universal in a few years, but I never have had a problem at USO, IOA or the WDW parks.
Most of these rides have a test seat outside of the ride, you can see if you fit there, and if you are fairly close to fitting, but don't quite fit, just ask an attendant where the modified seats are on the ride and they can get you in.
At IoA the only rides that might give you trouble are The Hulk and Dueling Dragons. Both of which have modified seats that I personally have to use. I personally have hand any problems at Universal Studios.