BGW quick queue

Busch Gardens Williamsburg: Wanting info on BGW quick queue

From Brad W
Posted June 24, 2010 at 6:15 PM
I'm going to Busch Gardens (or whatever the official name is these days) williamsbug on July 4th. Anyone had any experience with the quick queue there? How much does it cut down lines? And, do you still get to choose a row or are you assigned a seat in the middle?

From Jason Jackson
Posted June 25, 2010 at 7:51 AM
There are two versions of Quick Queue. One that allows one-time admission to the major attractions with little or no wait and the unlimited version which allows unlimited visits to the major attractions. I believe they are $14.95 and 39.95 respectively. You are generally placed on the 2nd row of the B&M Coasters (except Griffon, where you just get to the platform faster and can select your row), but the other major attractions you just have less of a wait. On busy days it is worth the money, but generally the lines move rather quick at BG.

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