Backpack Storage?

Universal Orlando: Can I keep a backpack with me?

From Kristin A
Posted June 26, 2010 at 8:14 AM
I'm just wondering which rides will let me bring my backpack and which rides require that you put it in a locker. I was able to take my backpack with my on most of the attractions at Disney, but I'm hearing it's not quite the same at Universal. Thanks!

From Bob Miller
Posted June 26, 2010 at 8:56 AM
Kristin, the only one I can remember having to place a back pack in a locker was Men in Black at Universal Studio. They're free and right by the entrance of MIB but I believe they charge you if you use the locker for to long.

Also, I don't know about Harry Potter FJ, you'll have to wait for another post for that answer.

From Kristin A
Posted June 26, 2010 at 9:06 AM
Thanks Bob! We are going to MIB first thing in the morning, so we shouldn't need the locker for too long. I'm glad we can take it everywhere else.

From steve lee
Posted June 26, 2010 at 9:10 AM
The Mummy crew isn't too fond of loose articles. You'll probably need to use a locker there as well (but if memory serves, the lockers are free for two hours there as well). It wouldn't surprise me if Hollywood Rip Ride and Whatever was the same way.

From Bob Miller
Posted June 26, 2010 at 9:29 AM
I forgot about the Mummy Steve, last year when my grandson Zachary and I were there, he didn't want to go on the Mummy and RRR was still being built so I don't know about that one either.

As far as MIB Kristen, Zachary and I always head back to MIB as soon as the park opens. We usually get 2 or 3 walk right on rides before others get there.

From luis gonzalez
Posted June 26, 2010 at 10:46 AM
you'll need lockers for MIB, rip ride rockit, and mummy.


From Kathryn Leigh
Posted June 26, 2010 at 11:07 AM
If you think you'll need it, then don't leave it just because of the rides. There's very good accommodations for backpacks, and free lockers at every ride they're needed!

From Bob Miller
Posted June 26, 2010 at 3:35 PM
The one problem with free lockers is the fact that they fill up rather quickly and you have to wait for someone to come back so you can use it. I've run into that problem before.

From Manny Barron
Posted June 26, 2010 at 3:47 PM
As for Islands of Adventure. The hulk and Dragon Challenge obviously. Lockers are also necessary for the Forbidden Journey.

From April C
Posted June 26, 2010 at 4:46 PM
I've never seen them have all full lockers. You can usually find one section that isn't full.

From Kristin A
Posted June 26, 2010 at 6:49 PM
Thanks so much! We don't plan to ride any roller coasters, but MIB, Mummy, and FJ are all in. So we'll make sure to find a locker fast. Thanks again for all of your help!

From Melissa Donahue
Posted June 26, 2010 at 6:52 PM
Kristin - Do you realize that Revenge of the Mummy is a rollercoaster? Just thought I'd mention it. :)

From Kristin A
Posted June 27, 2010 at 12:44 PM
WHAAAAAAAAT? It's a WHAAAAAAT? I don't mind so much as my 10 year old son does. Does it go upside down and up and down hills, or is it pretty much one track, like Disney's Dinosaur ride? Thanks for the clue, Melissa.

From Melissa Donahue
Posted June 27, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Kristin - It doesn't go upside down, but I'd say it's pretty much a full-blown coaster. It's in complete darkness for the majority, but then there are some scenes when the coaster slows down, comes to a complete stop, or goes backwards for purposes of the theming/storyline. I'd say it's rather turbulent (much like Space Mountain) -- not as intense as the Hulk, but definitely a coaster! It's one of my favorite Universal rides, but if your son doesn't ride coasters, then don't take him on it.

From Bob Miller
Posted June 28, 2010 at 6:22 AM
Kristin, to ease your fear, The Mummy is on a guided track just like MIB is, except it is rougher and goes somewhat faster. It is NOT like a regular coaster, and if I remember correctly, it's a vehicle that looks like a truck. It does bounce you around, so be prepared for that. I would recommend you try it once, if you don't like it, forget riding it again.

From Melissa Donahue
Posted June 28, 2010 at 10:56 AM
Bob, I would have to disagree with you. The Mummy begins as a rather slow, themed dark ride, but then it turns into a regular coaster in the dark. It sits four across in a coaster car and runs on a roller coaster track. It goes up and down hills, unlike MIB that remains on a guide on the GROUND the entire time (like Spiderman). A better comparison would be Space Mountain.

From Bob Miller
Posted June 28, 2010 at 2:23 PM
Melissa, lets agree to disagree on what I consider a guided track. In fact to me, Big Thunder Mountain is not a coaster but a guided ride just above the ground, unlike coasters which go hundreds of feet in the air and can also flip you upside down.

From what I can remember from two years ago when I rode Mummy last, it wasn't all that far off the ground. In fact Mt. Everest is a guided ride in my view since your never that far from the ground compared to a regular coaster. And Space Mountain is a coaster, the last time I saw it with the lights on, it was at least forty feet from the actual ground.

When I say ground, I mean the structure on which it is built on or around. If you took the structure away from Mt. Everest(the mountain itself), it would be a coaster in my book. If I fell out of the car on Mt. Everest, I'd fall onto the structure, if I fell out of the car on Space Mountain, I'd fall to the actual ground. That's why I consider Mummy as a guided ride since it's not that far from the ground. So can we agree to disagree? :)

From Kristin A
Posted June 29, 2010 at 8:33 PM
Well, I guess I should let you know what my son is afraid of as far as coasters. He is afraid of Goofy's Barnstormer. He was afraid of going downhill on Norway's Viking Ride at Epcot. So even though he really really wants to ride Mummy, if it is anything like Goofy's (goes super fast, twists and turns, drops suddenly) he will be frightened whether he or not he thinks so. We watched the ride on youtube (this really cool guy taped the rides and posted them) and since it was too dark I couldn't tell what the ride was doing. I could see when it stopped and met animatronics. But that didn't help as far as the type of ride. Since you both know Mummy, maybe it would be better if I asked:
Does it go faster than Big Thunder or as fast?
Does it have sudden twists and turns?
Does it drop suddenly?

Thank you for your help! I really appreciate your time.

From steve lee
Posted June 29, 2010 at 8:38 PM
Yes, yes, and yes.

I think it's relatively mild but if your son is freaked out on Barnstormer, DO NOT take him on Mummy.

From Nick Markham
Posted June 30, 2010 at 6:34 AM
Yes, I am afraid he is going to have to grow into or somehow be changed into thinking how fun coasters are, as Goofy's Barnstormer is about as mild as coasters get. There is one he might like though at Islands of Adventure if you are going there too. Ptrenadonan Flyers features no drops but sends riders slowly around a tracked course suspended around 30 or 40 feet above ground. You two would even get your own car if that helps as each car seats one adult and one child.

From luis gonzalez
Posted June 30, 2010 at 6:56 AM
if your kid cant handle barnstormer, dont even think about the mummy. Its not millenium force, but it is a rollercoaster, his head will probably explode on this thing.


From Bob Miller
Posted June 30, 2010 at 9:28 AM
I agree with the others Kristin, but just let me add this . My 11 year old grandson Zachary was terrified to go on a coaster that went upside down. I was able to get him on a regular coaster without much trouble. But go on one that went upside down, no way. This was last year.

Well guess what, he went on one just two weeks ago with his mother and now he says he loves them. So if your child is freaked out on a coaster, I'd say no to Mummy. But I always believe in trying something once, if you don't like it, don't ride it again, so it's up to you mom.

One other thing, I did take Zachary on Mummy two years ago when he was 9 years old and he did not like it to much. And last year when he had the chance to ride it again, he passed on it. As I said before, it is rough and I put my arm around him to help ease his fears and that seemed to help. You get bounced around a lot and turned around if that helps.

From Kristin A
Posted July 4, 2010 at 9:14 PM
Whoa, Mummy is not at all what I thought it was. Funny the above poster mentioned Millenium Force, as I live near Cedar Point. I keep telling my son that you all are telling me it's a coaster, but he swears he can ride it because he's seen the youtube video. LOL. Here's the link if you're interested:

Anyway, I guess what would solve it for my son would be if you could tell me if the ride stays level, per se, or goes up and down in a way that might be considered vomit inducing. For example, Disney's Dinosaur ride stays one on level, but you do get bumped around a lot. Big Thunder Mtn goes up and down, but not as much as Space Mountain. Does that make sense? You all are really giving me a lot of help, and I am heading towards not having him ride it. I don't want his head to explode! ROFL!

From Melissa Donahue
Posted July 5, 2010 at 3:16 AM
Kristin - It does NOT stay level on the ground! It is on a regular roller coaster track that goes up & down hills like Thunder Mountain. Go visit the Premier Rides website (ride manufacturer) and check it out. It is labeled as a "LIM dark coaster" on their site.

From steve lee
Posted July 5, 2010 at 5:27 PM
He seems hell bent on riding it, despite your warnings. I say let him. Worst case scenario, he has to admit you were right. Best case scenario, he wants to go again.

(this, obviously, is why I am not legally allowed to conceive children)

From Kristin A
Posted July 16, 2010 at 8:25 PM
So guess what happened? We went into Mummy and he turned right around and went back out. So all of my prepared-ness went right out the window. You will be glad to know that we rode Hippogriff 5 times in a row and Woody Woodpecker 3 times. I am still vomiting.

From Bob Miller
Posted July 17, 2010 at 3:40 PM
Thanks for the update Kristin, and sorry to hear about the sickness, hope your feeling better by now.

As I said about Zachary, boys will be boys, glad to see you left him make up his own mind. Going on the coasters he did go on shows he's making progress just like Zachary did this year by going upside down all on his own without anyone putting pressure on him. Maybe next time he'll go on Mummy.

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