Theme Park Insider on Google Plus

Want an invite? I've got some.

From Robert Niles
Posted August 8, 2011 at 7:31 AM
I'm on Google Plus now if you'd like to follow me there.

Also, I have a bunch of invites for Theme Park Insider readers who want to get on Google Plus, but haven't yet. The only price is that I ask you to consider adding me to your circles once you join. :^)

I have no idea if Google Plus is going to be the next Facebook, or the next Google Wave. But I figure if we get a few more Theme Park Insider fans on over there, we might make it a bit more interesting. If you want an invite, email me. Supplies are limited, as they say.

(BTW, if you are on Facebook or Twitter, links to Theme Park Insider on those networks are over on the right side of all TPI pages.)

From Anthony Murphy
Posted August 8, 2011 at 8:13 PM
Google Plus is the future!

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