Bruce Lane
Status: Member
Member Since: April 17, 2005

Bruce Lane


Avid visitor of zoos and oceanariums alike, and (recently) apprentice falconer. Associate member of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), American Assn. of Zoo Keepers (AAZK), and the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA). Don't really care for true "theme" parks, not a coaster fan either (due primarily to physical issues), but I respect the fact that there is broad interest in them by others.

My one and only true connection with a theme park was a year or so stint as a volunteer trainer's assistant at the dolphin show that Six Flags Magic Mountain used to have. All of the above, and anything else I didn't write down here, is subject to change without notice.

The handsomely-feathered lady on my glove in the photo is a golden eagle, named Skye. Unfortunately, she's no longer with us. She was killed in June 2008 when she landed in the lion enclosure at the Greater Vancouver Zoo, and subsequently became a free lunch for one of the lionesses.

If you want to know the full story on that, drop me a note. It's not pretty.

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