Crowds at Six Flags Magic Mountain, May 27th

May 10, 2016, 4:52 PM

My friends and I are headed to Six Flags Magic Mountain on May 27th (Memorial Day Weekend starts that day once schools get out at about 2:30) So we were wondering if that would be a good day to go, as we will be there early morning, before school gets out, till park closing. Any advice? Should we get the flash pass? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Replies (1)

Edited: May 10, 2016, 7:28 PM

I would expect it to be busy but manageable on the day. I doubt the park will be as crowded as Saturday or Sunday, but I'm guessing the headliners will still have waits of around an hour. If you visit the park infrequently (say once every 2 years or less) or if you are the type of person who likes to do a lot of re-rides, I would recommend purchasing a Flash Pass. If you're okay with just doing everything once or you visit regularly, you probably don't need one.

Whatever you decide, get to the park early. At minimum, you should be at the gates 30 minutes before opening, so plan to arrive by 9:45. Once you get inside the park, head directly to Full Throttle and ride. After that, you need to make a choice.

-If New Revolution is a high priority, head to this attraction after Full Throttle. Ride New Revolution, then Viper (if desired), then X2. After riding these coasters, take the Orient Express (currently renamed the Helpful Honda Express) to the top of Samurai Summit, do Superman, Ninja (if desired) and Tatsu, then work your way around the park clockwise.

-If New Revolution is not a high priority, continue counter-clockwise around the park to Goliath, Lex Luthor, Twisted Colossus, and Scream. After doing these four, ascend the hill (either by returning to Orient Express or walking up the back) for Superman, Ninja, and Tatsu, then circle the park clockwise. Plan to return to X2 and New Revolution around 3-4 P.M. as lines are often shortest then.

For a first time or infrequent visitor, I would prioritize the following attractions:

Apocalypse the Ride
Batman The Ride
Full Throttle
Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom
New Revolution
Riddler's Revenge
Roaring Rapids (if you're okay with getting drenched)
Superman: Escape from Krypton
Twisted Colossus

Lastly, have a good time.

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