Disneyland fast pass questions

June 19, 2016, 12:09 PM

Quick two questions
The new Frozen show at DCA Fastpasses do they count as your current Fastpasses or are you allowed to hold a Fastpasses for this and other attraction like the World of Colour Showpass?
Also are there any other attractions that let you hold 2 Fastpasses during the same time period (not including ones issued after your return time on another) ?

Replies (2)

June 19, 2016, 12:30 PM

Frozen-Live at the Hyperion Fastpasses function identically to World of Color Fastpasses. You will be assigned a performance time and a viewing level, then told to return in a specific window. The pass will not affect your ability to collect other Fastpasses in the park. In general, if you want to see one of the first two showings you will need to go directly to the attraction at opening, then after that it has been taking about an hour per show to distribute remaining passes. You can only get one Frozen Fastpass per day, so if you see distribution for a time you don't want go ride something and check back.

As for other disconnected attractions, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters is the only one that is currently a free Fastpass. All other attractions will require you to wait two hours or until your return time starts before obtaining your next Fastpass. There used to be several other disconnected attractions at the resort, but due to increasing crowds Disney has mostly abandoned this practice. I don't know if it's entirely true, but reportedly Buzz Lightyear remains disconnected due to sharing a distribution point with Star Tours and guests accidentally pulling a Fastpass for the wrong attraction.

June 19, 2016, 2:59 PM

Ah that makes sense now as you previous hint threw me saying get FP for both Buzz and Star Tours at the same time! Got it now, thanks again for the advice.
Been checking wait times at Universal today. 1330 Forbiden Journey 15 mins!! Other rides less than that. Where is everyone?

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