Universal Orlando: Thanksgiving vs Christmas

August 25, 2016, 3:59 PM

We are currently planning a trip to Universal Orlando. Can anyone throw out some pros/cons of doing a Thursday-Saturday of Thanksgiving versus 18th-21st of Dec.

Specifically crowd and weather, but anything else you think of is appreciated as well.

Replies (1)

Edited: August 30, 2016, 2:44 PM

The biggest drawback to going to UO during Thanksgiving rather than Christmas will be the lack of Holiday happenings.
The bulk of UO Holiday events are based around the Macy's Holiday parade at the Studio and Grinchmas at IOA. In order keep everything even, they start both events at the same time (or always have in the past, that could always change). By now you must be aware that USF does a really smashing version of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade that brings many of the floats and smaller balloons to Orlando after they run on Thanksgiving day in NYC. Park guests are even recruited to help be balloon handlers. A fantastic experience, I must say.
Disney's holiday events are usually fully up and running well before Thanksgiving.
Typically, holidays at Orlando parks not all that busy. It's the day just before or after that tend to be the busiest during a holiday period. Because black Friday is practically a holiday on its own, you will see that day as super busy at the outlets around Orlando, and the park will become busier later in the day, where as December 26th starts off packed.
Weather can be quite cool in November and December, but short it is most often very comfortable compared to the rest of the country. You'd be wise to bring a good sweatshirt and a pair of pants just to be safe. By later in November, Hurricane season will be over, and the dry season will be starting, but you should always anticipate at least a little rain in Florida.
Hope this helped.

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