Ever since a new themed-area based on Avatar is coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom.
Can Disney be bringing Pandora: World of Avatar to Disneyland?
I'm wondering if the new parking garage on the other side of Harbor Blvd. is the beginning of a move to push those businesses out, purchase the land, and continue expanding. I just don't see how they could expand in years to come until either more land is purchased or they build a 20-story parking garage!
Maybe Shanghai?
As far as I know, there are no plans to bring Pandora to California. If it does happen, it would most likely be part of the third park project as there just isn't enough remaining space at the two current parks and it doesn't fit thematically with either one. I did hear that, assuming the land is successful, it is being considered as an addition to Walt Disney Studios Paris in order to expand the park, but I don't know whether or not that will actually happen.
I assumed Paris would build SWL first
The land? No. The technology being used in the land? Absolutely!
Paris studio could really use it. Paris studio could use ANYTHING!
There is a zero percent chance this could happen.
No Star Wars Land for Paris, at least not in the immediate future. They're just upgrading Star Tours and getting Hyperspace Mountain this year (along with possibly one or two smaller Star Wars attractions), so that should be good for now. From what I've heard, Disney Studios Paris will be getting a Toy Story Land expansion, Marvel Land, and possibly Avatar Land over the next ten years, while most of the work at Disneyland Paris over that time will be focused on upgrading attractions so it doesn't feel like the park is stuck in the 90s. The time between the 25th and 35th anniversary in Paris will probably be similar to the time between the 50th and 60th anniversaries in California.
Should not come to Disneyland even in a third park. Avatar should be exclusive to Orlando and perhaps Hong Kong.
Lets see how Pandora plays out at Animal Kingdom.
AJ's right - there's a detailed masterplan hidden away in the offices for the big additions envisioned for DLP, but it's unlikely we'll see many - or any - of those come to fruition until TWDC's further along in its attempts to take full financial control of the resort. Full implementations of Pandora or Star Wars Land are simply too big an investment to be greenlit before that happens.
Aggressive refurbishment is the order of the day for the time being. Midway Mania is being mooted for the Studios (which may in turn lead to some small overlay or replacement for Buzz in the first park) and rumours continue to float around for a Marvel re-theme of the Backlot area in the meantime.
I would rather keep an east coast exclusive for the time being and let Disneyland in California pursue other expansions. Perhaps in 10 or so years a variation of it could be built in a 3rd park. Additionally, I think building it in a second gate to Shanghai or Hong Kong could be effective.
I certainly don't think Pandora should be re-created in California. It simply doesn't fit DCA (but, neither does Guardians of the galaxy, but don't get me started.) nor does it fit Disneyland park. I think if they were to re-create Pandora, they would build it in Disneyland park, but fully-immersive areas should be kept out of Disneyland park. I know they built Star Wars, but Pandora would be another step too far.
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No way, there's not enough room and it doesn't fit the theme of either park.