Thoughts on my recent trip to DLR

March 14, 2017, 8:14 AM

When you live in Oregon where it was 45 and rainy when we left, just being in 80 degree socal weather is enough to make you happy. And overall we had a great time. My son was tall enough to ride pretty much everything this time except Indiana Jones and Screamin'. He did really good and we rode quite a bit. Having a few things closed did not effect our trip too much, probably a good thing since we only had 2 days. We were there last Friday and Saturday. Friday during the day was great, evening got pretty busy and Saturday it was packed.

Now to my complaints. The first that comes to mind is the crowd control during the parade. Yes it was packed Saturday night at DL. They didn't let people through once during the parade, the park was literally divided in half. We were stuck for quite a while and having the path between Fantasyland and Frontierland definitely hurts.

Like I said overall great time and weather. Staying at a DL hotel is pretty nice I must say. I would only do it again if I had the discount I did though. Not sure it would be worth the full price.

Replies (2)

March 22, 2017, 9:13 PM

I think you found one of my largest complaints with Disneyland as well. Their crowd control is seriously lacking. I have gone 3 times over a span of 10 years and that was something they always seem to have a problem with. WDW seems to have it down to a science!

Edited: March 23, 2017, 7:34 AM

Always better to find the discount if you can. You won't get much of a discount in admission tickets so get it elsewhere if you can. Staying at Disneyland Hotel is a good thing. At Disney World, it'll cost a bundle to stay close to the theme parks. Better to go on a weekday. The parade viewing is more manageable, but fireworks are on weekends in the off season.

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