Escape From Gringotts and Forbidden Journey are now Express Pass rides

Edited: July 1, 2017, 4:14 PM

Saw a post and screenshot of the Universal wait times app this morning posted on Facebook, then checked it for myself a bit later.

This is big news for some people. Getting up for early entry just so you could get on these rides once in a single day was the norm. We will be there in 30 days, so I hope to see it first hand. Word is, it is in "testing phase" to see how it impacts the regular lines.

(Update) - Some people who were at the parks today confirmed a slightly different route through the castle at Forbidden Journey, skipping Dumbledore's office. No word on Escape From Gringotts queue differences just yet.

Replies (2)

July 2, 2017, 4:34 AM

Great news for Premiere APs (and all guests w/ Express) if this remains permanent

Edited: July 5, 2017, 7:55 PM

I really wish this was true. When I checked the Universal Orlando website today, it did not list either of these attractions as Express pass eligible. Maybe they will update that later if this becomes permanent. We got express passes for one day of our last visit in Nov 2016. As much as we enjoyed using them, I kept wishing they were also valid for Forbidden Journey and Gringotts.

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