3 trains with a moving station platform ala rip ride rockit.
At a Six Flags park??? I'll believe it when I see it. Just having separate load and unload platforms would be a stretch for a SF coaster.
Looks great.
Fiesta Texas may be the best Six Flags park that I have been to, which is not many: Texas, Magic Mountain, and Fiesta. It is clean, has some nice rides, and seems to be fairly well run. It may not have the best rides of all of them, but it is a nice park. The Poltergiest and the Iron Rattler are two standouts.
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I'm surprised Six Flags let this out, since their nationwide new attraction announcement day is not until the end of the month. While they occasionally leak things here and there, they rarely release their official videos and trademarked attraction names until the announcement day.
Talk about a capacity nightmare though - 8 passengers per train is going to make for insane lines. I hope they're building this with a load and unload platform.