A visual representation of Walt Disney's Q3 2017 earnings report.

August 8, 2017, 2:03 PM

Walt Disney's parks and resorts revenue increased 12%. On the other hand, Disney reported a 9% drop in 3Q17 earnings due to higher programming costs and lowering subscribers at its ESPN sports channel. alphastreet.com/bite/c8143b5

Replies (2)

August 9, 2017, 5:40 PM

Not looking good. I expect them to continue that trend if they don't get attendance up and continuing to have issues with ESPN.

August 27, 2017, 6:36 PM

Attendance up? The parks are packed!

I think Disney (and ABC and ESPN) just need to focus a bit more on shows and movies. The competition is stiff for them!

I do not think their ESPN problems have that much to do with ESPN itself, but rather people moving away from premium channel subscriptions. Netflix, Prime, and Hulu do not help!

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