No more Jingle Cruise

Edited: September 30, 2017, 1:22 PM

I'm quite sad this will not be happening this year. Jingle Cruise had hit its stride in the last couple of years and I found it to be really funny and creative.
I agree that three major attractions getting all "Christmas-fyed" was a lot, but I'm still gonna miss seeing all those classic mid-century decorations spread along the rivers of the world.
Oh, well...Cry me a river.

Replies (3)

October 1, 2017, 1:38 PM

I have never been on it, but it seems that Jingle Cruise never really caught on as a "thing" with people on this site. I had a feeling there were lots of eyeroll.

Yes, the Jungle Cruise is a bit of an eyeroll type of attraction, but that is part of the fun with the script.

October 1, 2017, 8:09 PM

Have to agree with you Anthony. The lack of comments about this lead me to believe nobody really cared for Jingle Cruise. I think it was perfectly in tone with the attraction. I'll miss it this year.

Edited: October 2, 2017, 1:41 PM

I liked Jingle Cruise.....I feel like it just isn't the type of overlay that gamers much conversation.....

It's too bad because it was enjoyable,& I think people probably actually enjoyed it (even if were already a fan of Jungle Cruise), but unfortunately got lost among all the other high profile Christmas offerings at the park.

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