Hidden food gems at WDW

April 22, 2018, 2:32 PM

I am going on my annual Orlando trip in a couple of days (half Disney half Universal). I haven’t been to WDW since 2014 and was wondering what unique hidden food gems I should try? Years ago Robert spoke of the spicy chicken and waffle sandwich in the Magic Kingdom and that was and still is one of my favorite them park food experiences. The rest of my party is picky about food so some sort of counter service or food cart gem would be great so I can grab and go. A while back there was an article about the lobster nachos at Disney Land. Is there any sort of similar thing at WDW? Or any other great dish that is a “must do”? Also I won’t be going to Hollywood Studios so that can be left out. Thanks!

Replies (6)

April 23, 2018, 5:27 AM

Most of my recommendations would not fit your criteria, as my group are adventurous eaters or everything is well known. We tend to always eat at the Marrahesh at EPCOT as many people do not tend to try it, but it is a lot of fun, and the food is great, and it is a table service. Also, you are not going to DHS, so this is out, but I think this may be gone anyway: they had (or have) a turkey leg stand where I had the best turkey leg anywhere, and I normally don't care for them. The one I had at MK in the hopes it would be comparable was not. Obviously, get a Dole Whip at the stand near the treehouse in Andventureland, but everybody knows that. The Columbia Fish House near the Haunted Mansion can be good (sit upstairs). The Crepe stand in France in EPCOT is another good option. I have heard the lamb shank at Gaston's is good, but we were unable to try it.

April 23, 2018, 2:38 PM

In the future I’d probably try the Marrahesh or if I feel like breaking away from my party this time. The crepe stand is a great suggestion and of course the dole whip! And the Columbia Fish House will most likely be costed as well. Thanks for the ideas!

April 23, 2018, 3:49 PM

Are you interested in some locations in the Resort Hotels in addition to the parks? If so there are a lot more wonderful ideas we can share with you. Odds may be not in your favor for getting a table at some of them, but some of the most fun I've had at WDW was at the resort hotel restaurants. Let us know.

April 24, 2018, 2:49 AM

Two words.

Dole Whip

That is all.

April 24, 2018, 7:58 AM

Rob, I agree with you there. I cannot remember the names of many of them, but I recall the BBQ at the restaurant at the Wilderness Lodge being surprising good, and you must ask for ketchup. Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge was amazing. The only downside was on one occasion we decided to take a bus to the Boardwalk, and we were not staying in that area, and it was a transfer connection ride from hell. I would only advise doing something like that if you can do it quick and it is close.

April 25, 2018, 2:17 PM

Hotels probably not so much unless they also have standard less exotic dishes for the rest of my traveling party. I really gotta find more of an adventurous bunch! Lol Thanks for the info you guys. Boarding the plane shortly!

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