First Post_First Annual Pass!

May 25, 2018, 10:16 AM

Hi TPI Community!

My name is Christian Sprague (Chris to most people).
I've been following this site now for a while but just created my account a few months ago.

As of March of last year I am not only an avid theme park enthusiast but coaster enthusiast as well.

Let me explain that slightly better, so until last March on a trip with my significant other to Universal Orlando, I was terrified of coasters, well the feeling I had experienced as a child... which led me to never riding them again until the age of 21 years old (22 now).

I warmed up with the Mummy, which mind you I didn't know was a coaster until I saw the high speed thrill sign before boarding lol. Either way, I rode that and hippogriff as far as coasters are concerned (not to mention all the other rides including about 4 back to back rides on FJ.

Anyways, I was surprised by how much fun I thought those rides were, now of course those aren't monstrous rides by any means but for me it was a huge feat.

The next day of our 4 day park to park adventure was the day I would finally ride dragon challenge... which would be the largest coaster I had ever ridden, and if you ask my girlfriend, she will tell you she almost saw me cry on that day, but to be honest I was terrified and was just not trying to psych myself out before climbing aboard what would become my first big, non indoor coaster.

I can't explain what happened on the ride (of course we rode Hungarian horntail side first) but as soon as we hit that first drop I was yelling "LET'S RIDE AGAIN!!!), and so we re-queued and from there on I was hooked.

A few months later we would go to Busch Gardens Williamsburg for a surprise birthday trip and of course I had to warm up because I still wasn't confident in my coaster riding abilities, but the first time I rode Apollo's Chariot just blew my mind, then I started doing front row, back row and just being consumed with the different rides, and who made them, and all the different manufacturers and operations that go into the ride/theme park business.

My infatuation with coasters turned into an obsession and before you know it I knew every single thing there was to know about a coaster before even riding it. Over the course of the next year I would ride around 50 different coasters at parks including Kings Dominion, Carowinds, BGW (multiple times), and more.

I just love the community so much and the passion everyone pours into this business and what they do, so this post really was just a time to thank all of you for what you do.

This topic has really been an escape for me when I just need something to read about and totally distress, and I look forward to the future of the business and what new ideas and technologies are to come.

My other reason for this post is that this year for an early birthday present my girlfriend got her and I annual passes to BGW! I'm excited because I'll get to check out Battle for Eire, and of course the food and wine festival starts this weekend so I have that to look forward to.. regardless of the weather predictions.

Anyways, feel free to post any questions for me that you might have related to anything really, whether it's about my favorite coaster, or manufacturer or what have you.

Here's to a weekend filled with at least 20 rides on Apollo and anything else BGW tries to throw my way!

Replies (3)

May 25, 2018, 10:43 AM

Welcome Chris.... Glad you joined...

May 25, 2018, 11:51 AM

Hey Chris! Welcome (officially) to TPI !!

May 26, 2018, 2:27 AM

Hi, Chris! I think you just found your new home! I saw you have Cedar Point on your wish list. Starting planning for a visit- well, as soon as you can- but think about 2020. It will be the 150th anniversary of the park, and there's lots of speculation with the phrase "20 for 20." Right now Cedar Point has 18 coasters, and we all suspect that they're going to do something spectacular for 2020, like add two more coasters between now and then. Also, hopefully by then, Steel Vengeance will finally be running all three trains! Welcome to TPI!

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