Can I fit on Magic Mountain rides?

Edited: July 20, 2018, 6:42 PM

I am going to the magic mountain in California.
I am 225 pounds. A size 17/18 in jeans and a L/XL in shirt. My top section isn’t too big. My midsection is where I carry most of my weight but it doesn’t stick out like you think it would. I’m somewhat proportionate for my weight. Should I be worried getting on any rides?

Replies (8)

July 20, 2018, 10:30 AM

Surprisingly, most of the coasters at SFMM are rather accommodating for larger guests. My guess is that you shouldn't have any issues. Twisted Colossus is probably the most restrictive, but you probably won't have any issues (I would recommend trying the test seat just in case before waiting in line).

Edited: July 20, 2018, 1:53 PM

What is waist size in inches for size 17/18. What’s your height? 225 is definitely a big person, but quite common for male athletes.

July 20, 2018, 3:01 PM

@ Anton - I think most would be hesitant to provide exact measurements in a public forum, especially women. In reality, a person's specific measurements don't guarantee that they'll fit/not fit on a theme park attraction (aside from height restrictions, which some of us with kids know can vary from day to day and park to park). I think what Alexisdann is trying to find out is whether she will be able to reasonable fit on all the top rides at SFMM without having to do the "walk of shame". Knowing her waist size isn't going to give you any further insight into that.

July 20, 2018, 6:26 PM

I think a height is reasonable to know. If someone is under 5 feet at that weight, there's a distinct chance they may not get on many rides, if You're over 6 feet you'd probably be fine on all the rides. I'm just under that weight at 5'10 as a guy, and I've never had problems getting on any rides, if that helps

July 20, 2018, 6:34 PM

It's tough to say with that information since everyone carries their weight a bit differently, but I'd say...

-If you can fit a standard B&M seat, you'll be fine on any of SFMM's four B&M coasters. Even if you can't, you'll still probably fit Tatsu since it is very accommodating. Riddler's can be a bit tight on larger guests, but I've seen some pretty big people fit that.
-Twisted Colossus is a little tight if you've got larger thighs, but the employees will push pretty hard to get you in there. The trains are more accommodating than your typical Intamin coaster, but less than most other rides.
-Full Throttle can be a bit tight getting into the seat if you're wide, but if you can fit in the seat they should be able to lock you in.
-Gold Rusher only has single position lapbars, but there's still quite a bit of space. If you're worried, sit alone so you can be at a slight angle and try crossing your legs.
-Superman occasionally rejects larger riders, though that's usually people with a really large midsection. You'd probably be rejected from the B&Ms before you wouldn't fit on that one.
-Apocalypse and Green Lantern will be closed.
-I would be very surprised if you had any issues on Goliath, Ninja, Revolution, Viper, or X2. All five of those tend to be extremely accommodating.

Unfortunately, SFMM does not use test seats at any of their attractions, so there is no easy way to check your fit. However, it is not a park where I commonly see guests get rejected. Unless you have a history of not fitting on rides, I wouldn't worry much about anything there.

Edited: July 20, 2018, 10:51 PM

Russell: This is an anonymous forum and this woman already volunteered her pants size. Okay, i had to look it up. Size17/18 is 34”. You’ll easily fit into the seat.

Edited: July 22, 2018, 7:29 AM

My waistline floats between 34in and 38in, 200-210lbs amd can honestly say I’ve never had a problem with any ride anywhere, beyond the odd kiddy coaster (but that’s more fitting adult sized legs in).

July 23, 2018, 5:45 PM

I will say it is a legitimate question, as I have never seen more walks of shame as I have this summer at Six Flags parks. I have ridden the Poltergeist multiple times, and I am currently 6’4” and 230 and had a walk of shame, yet rode it many times many pounds heavier in the past. At my current weight, that is the only walk of shame, and at Six Flags over Texas, I had no walks, but many, many people did. Most were shorter women with more weight in the midsection. All this to say that Six Flags is being much more restrictive in their guidelines, and I think something has changed.

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