Fast Pass Question

September 10, 2018, 6:15 PM

So, my wife and I are meeting my cousin and his family for one day of their Disney trip. They are rookies at fast pass plus, so I was going to make reservations for all of us for the one day we'll all be together. Is it possible for me to add them to my party for just one day? I just don't want to add them and then they aren't able to make their own reservations for the other couple days they are there. I really hate the new system because of situations like that.

Replies (1)

September 11, 2018, 8:56 AM

You can add guests to your "party" as you make FP+ reservation as long as they are attached to your account. Individuals attached to your account can similarly make FP+ reservations for themselves, or be part of another party where the "leader" has attached them to their account. I'm not sure how many different "leaders" individuals can be associated with, but 2 different groups is definitely not a problem.

You select the members of your part in the FP+ system just before going in to view the available options (the system needs to know how many people are in your party before is starts to show you availability).

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