Do you think a MonsterVerse area at Universal Orlando 4th gate would be a good idea?

September 22, 2018, 7:14 PM

Maybe this seems too far fetched but I was wondering with the newly named Monsterverse which both Godzilla and Kong Kong will be a part of a new monster franchise fighting other legendary monsters in future films possibly you think could have a themed land of their own at a fourth gate? The chances of Kong appearing again are not likely since he already came back to IOS. But their is yet another version of Kong out from the recent film Kong: Skull Island. And I know Legendary has partnered with Universal. But this Kong was from Warner Bros. But their has been a already popular WB franchise at Univerdal with Harry Potter and possibly more on thee say with Fantastic Beasts at a third/fourth gate. Do you think Warner Bros/Legendary would allow Kong & Godzilla to have a MonsterVerse at any Universal theme park worldwide? You have other options too with classic beasts like Mothta, Rodan, & King Ghodirah I know I spelled it wrong he's the 3 headed monster that looks like a hydra.

Replies (1)

October 2, 2018, 12:37 AM

There is already a King Kong ride in Islands of Adventure, so there will not be one at the new park.

The Monsterverse has been less than impressive at the box office, so it is likely not moving the needle either.

The new park by Universal is going to be the Harry Potter standard of theming throughout. There will likely be a small number of lands with room for expansion using top tier IP. The worlds will all be immersive with careful sight lines that block the outside world and other lands from intruding.

At this point count on Mario/Donkey Kong & Fantastic Beasts. But other than that we have nothing confirmed.

This could all change, however, if one of the Monsterverse movies came out and does Marvel/Star Wars/Jurassic World business. Until the structures start going up, nothing is 100% confirmed.

But it is nice to know that dump trucks are already on site and work has begun.

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