Teddy Bear Lady at the Grand Floridian

July 28, 2014, 7:18 PM

I follow a couple of Disney groups on Facebook and somebody took a picture of an eccentric looking old woman that sits in the Grand Floridian lobby. Has anybody seen her?

Apparently, she and her husband used to come there often to listen to the music, but he has since passed away. She comes to remember him and so that she is not left alone. I do not know if this is true, but for all the years I have been going to the parks, I have never seen her!

Replies (1)

Edited: July 29, 2014, 7:07 AM

I have seen her there before. She's easier to catch on the weekend when the band is playing. She's weird and very nice. So say hi, she's harmless.

There are a lot of weirder things in Orlando. Like feral parrots attacking "certain" cast members...

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