Beastly Kingdom 5th park
The following is what I’m hearing from my source.
Beastly Kingdom (possibly Dominion) will be the 5th park in Disney World. Unless they decide to go with Dark Dominion (villain park).
Sister parks have been discussed for all 4 parks with ramps and parking decks connecting the sets. The new parks would be similar opposites of the originals.
Magic Kingdom (heroes) & Dark Dominion (villains)
Epcot (futureworld/world showcase) & ? (pastworld/america showcase)
Animal Kingdom (animals) & Beastly Dominion (fantasy animals)
Surprisingly it would be Animal Kingdom who would get their sister park first. From what I've heard, Beastly Kingdom may not be completely dead. For the park and the Dragon section to be greenlit Dragon Empire and Onward have to do good at the box office.
It would have a similar layout to its sister park Animal Kingdom. With a mix of real and fantasy animals throughout the property.
The lands would consist of a central Dragon section (Discovery Island), an Egypt section (Africa), Australia (Asia), a Stars Wars snow planet (Dinoland) and Fantasia (Pandora).
A dark volcanic mountain will be the main icon for Beastly Dominion. It will be reminiscent of the mountain in disneysea, but vastly darker. Inside it would be a ride much like disneysea’s Journey to the Center of the Earth, but with a different type of ride vehicle.
The pyramid ride in “Egypt” meanwhile will be one of the other big time attractions in the park and will showcase mythical creatures. Like Sphynx's and other legendary creatures of Egyptian lore. The land will also feature real animals as well though like Camels, Cobras and other desert dwelling animals.
“Roaring Rapids"is going to be the E-ticket for “Australia”. The main star of the attraction will be gigantic Crocodile, that attacks anyone who dears to travel on his river.
“Fantasia” will have 2 main attractions. One of them being the Fantasia boat ride and the other one would be “Bald Mountain”, a rollercoaster/water ride based on one of the most famous scenes from the film. A little village and its inhabitants sit below the mountain unbeknownst to what lurks within it. Chernabog, the main antagonist is a large gargoyle-like demon who lives within the mountain. He eventually emerges from the peak of Bald Mountain where he is perched. From it he summons many dark creatures like demons, hags, and harpies that visitors will come across on their voyage through the caverns.
The secondary unheadliner attractions in the “Fantasia” section are the already aforementioned ones from the early days of planning. The animatronic of the Unicorn in the cave (which is like the setting in Paris) and the adjacent maze. Also planned as well is the Lochness restaurant, which hopefully doesn't serve Lochness on the menu.
The “Star Wars” section at Beastly Kingdom is rumored to be an ice planet. Possibly Hoth or a new one based on a planet from a future film or television show. The land may include Taun Tauns, a Wampa and other cold climate creatures.
I don’t have the snack locations, but the restaurant listing would consist of the following.
Dragon Section – Dragon Fire Pizza (Quick)
Fantasia – Lochness Landing (Quick)
Star Wars – Unnamed Star Wars (Table)
Australia – Tucker’s Takeaway (Quick)
Egypt – Cafe Cairo (Table)
Disclaimer: Everything I just mentioned is not guaranteed to happen. For now at least it has just been discussed behind closed doors.
I only see one IP so this clearly hasn’t been looked at anyone at Disney.
Doesn't pass the sniff test.
With Pandora in Animal Kingdom, the idea that Animal Kingdom could be the "Real Animal Park" is broken.. and the chances of Pandora being ripped out any time soon are slim to none.
>>>“Roaring Rapids"is going to be the E-ticket for “Australia”. The main star of the attraction will be gigantic Crocodile, that attacks anyone who dears to travel on his river.
This also doesn't fit. Plenty of Aborignial mythology that could be drawn on.
This would be a 5th gate right next to Animal Kingdom.
I love the idea of it, but what it all comes down to is money. Scrooge Mcduck (Iger) would only make a 5th gate if its financially worth it.
This doesn't pass the sniff test for me either. Animal Kingdom is the worst laid out park of all of the Triple A parks, so why would they go with that design again? And I'm not buying the whole sister park idea, it just doesn't make any sense in the grand scheme of things, Disney will build a park that has the most probability of success and not because it mimics the least popular park in the portfolio. And someone already mentioned it earlier, if it doesn't have IP, it doesn't stay. The ratio on a new park will need to be at the very least 80% established is too risky and hard to market otherwise...and why wouldn't you use the free established IP you already own.
The only thing I have heard is Disney Villians, but that also sounds like a fanboy rumor since it is not geared toward the demographic that goes to the other Disney Parks.
What Disney hopes is that they still have the market cornered on kids and marketing, while they are giving up on the teen demographic to Universal...and who wouldn't be happy to rid their park of teenagers?
I have to go with the "until we see official word, can't buy it" line. After all, I vividly recall Disney talking of all the plans in the '90s for stuff that was never built.
Keep in mind, the Imagineering books showcase how they're always working on scores of stuff that even they know is unlikely but one never knows which catches on with the higher-ups and becomes real. I'm sure a lot of Imagineers have done stuff on a 5th gate as a potential bit and that's where the rumors come from. Until we know for sure, it remains speculation.
>>This would be a 5th gate right next to Animal Kingdom.
And your point is what? Doesn't seem to address any of my points.
This all sounds like fan-fiction and makes little sense on any level. If you're building another park, why build it directly adjacent to one of the existing properties? Why make it a copy with different attractions? Why try to make it based on original stories when everything says Disney guests want more Disney in the Disney parks? Plus, I'd say any fifth park is likely not coming until at least the 2030s, so having this much detail already throws up a red flag as well. Could it be true? Of course that is always possible, but I'd be willing to bet that a Beastly Dominion expansion to Animal Kingdom would be far more likely should this theme actually be under consideration.
I didn't get what you were saying at first. LOL, but after a couple of rereads I do now.
I think Animal still has plenty of real life creatures to be considered reality based. Its always had its odd sections (Dinoland) and rides (Everest) that don't fit with what exists in real life.
April 1st isn't until next Monday.
Boscfan, the differences there are
1: Dinosaurs are real. End of discussion on that point.
2: AK was never designed to be a real-animal only park. From day one fictional animals were always part of the design DNA.
Your “sources” proposal breaks the theory proposed by your source twice - AK contains non-real animals, and the proposed non-real animal park includes a real animal in one of your headline attractions (Crocodiles), meaning the detail of your “sources” proposal doesn’t work with the supposed design philosophy.
Furthermore, I’ve been thinking about this a bit more, and even if we get over the fact that the proposal is inconsistent with itself... Crocodiles to me shows that the “source” clearly isn’t an actual imagineer.
Florida is full of Aligator attractions - overflowing with them; although Aligators and Crocodiles are not the same animal, from a show perspective they’re interchangeable - big water lurking lizard with a snout full of sharp teeth attached to a powerful jaw. Is Disney going to repeat the same show every second tourist trap in Florida is showing? Hell no.
Falling back on Crocodiles for Australia tells me the “Source”’s experience with Australia is clearly limited to watching Steve Irwin reruns, and couldn’t be bothered to look at actual Australian Mythology. Perhaps they didn’t even know there was any to look for.
And I use the word “Source” advisedly.
1. It's not my source, it's Disneysource's. I'm just commenting on a thread that he or she wrote.
2. Every park in Disney World isn't made up of just one theming.
"Magic Kingdom" - has Main Street U.S.A in front of Cinderella's castle. And totally different themed lands.
"Epcot" - has a future (now alien???) section and a world showcase.
"HS"- is a studio park with various lands and themings that have nothing to do with Hollywood.
"Animal" - like you said has different types of creatures. So a park doesn't have to base their whole existence on that one theme.
Why is this being given any sort of legitimacy here?
It's clear this is some fan-fiction concept, and certainly can be discussed in that context. However, even remotely referring to the ideas proposed here as plausible rumors is laughable. There's not a speck of feasibility in the concepts presented in this thread.
Camp Minnie Mickey was a lousy placeholder for Beastly Kingdom. All it had was a couple of statues by a creek and some meet and greets.
Oh yeah and the Lion King show, that didn’t even fit the wilderness theming at all. It seemed like they wanted to have it in Africa all along, but needed something for the CMM section.
Maybe it's just my suspicious nature, but I find it weirdly coincidental that the 3 contributors who are rah-rah'ing the 5th+ Disney park all joined TPI on the same day ... March 24th .... ??
Just curious ....
disneysource11 & boscfan & disnut4ever ...
Hold on ... I just got a text from a guy who calls himself Disguy4reelinsydDubDeeEye about a seventh WDW park ... Watch for the thread.
>>>1. It's not my source, it's Disneysource's. I'm just commenting on a thread that he or she wrote.
>>>2. Every park in Disney World isn't made up of just one theming.
>>>"Magic Kingdom" - has Main Street U.S.A in front of Cinderella's castle. And totally different themed lands.
>>>"Epcot" - has a future (now alien???) section and a world showcase.
>>>"HS"- is a studio park with various lands and themings that have nothing to do with Hollywood.
>>>"Animal" - like you said has different types of creatures. So a park doesn't have to base their whole existence on that one theme.
To which I give a "So what?". None of these actually address the points I raised.
The supposed Design philosophy is, and I quote:
>>>Animal Kingdom (animals) & Beastly Dominion (fantasy animals)
Yet the Design philosophy is broken twice. Once by the very existence of Animal Kingdom having "Fantasy Animals", and the second time by the "Source" themselves, by putting Crocodiles in the "Fantasy Animal" Park.
Your Defense of the idea ultimately results in two parks with the more-or-less the same design philosophy - a mix of animals both real and fantasy - basically Animal Kingdom all over again. The idea that Disney would build another Animal Kingdom in Florida, much less right next door to Animal Kingdom is even more ridiculous.
I really don't know why you're not getting this.
>>>1. It's not my source, it's Disneysource's. I'm just commenting on a thread that he or she wrote.
>>>2. Every park in Disney World isn't made up of just one theming.
>>>"Magic Kingdom" - has Main Street U.S.A in front of Cinderella's castle. And totally different themed lands.
>>>"Epcot" - has a future (now alien???) section and a world showcase.
>>>"HS"- is a studio park with various lands and themings that have nothing to do with Hollywood.
>>>"Animal" - like you said has different types of creatures. So a park doesn't have to base their whole existence on that one theme.
To which I give a "So what?". None of these actually address the points I raised.
The supposed Design philosophy is, and I quote:
>>>Animal Kingdom (animals) & Beastly Dominion (fantasy animals)
Yet the Design philosophy is broken twice. Once by the very existence of Animal Kingdom having "Fantasy Animals", and the second time by the "Source" themselves, by putting Crocodiles in the "Fantasy Animal" Park.
Your Defense of the idea ultimately results in two parks with the more-or-less the same design philosophy - a mix of animals both real and fantasy - basically Animal Kingdom all over again. The idea that Disney would build another Animal Kingdom in Florida, much less right next door to Animal Kingdom is even more ridiculous.
I really don't know why you're not getting this.
What I would like to say to the "Source-who-is-not-a-source-at-all", is that if you're going to try to come up with a fake rumour, at least try to be consistent in your own rumour so it's not so obviously fake.
It's nice when the TPI regs can come together as a community. :o)
The first 3 IP’s that the park will be built around are “Dragon Empire”, “Onward” and “Star Wars”. I’m not sure what else they will have down the pipeline in that department. There has been talk of "Bald Mountain" (Fantasia) being made into a film as well.
Haha, I only had 1 post. I'm a long time reader of the boards, who recently changed his name. I just wanted to finally comment on something.
If the dragon ride is anything like “Journey to the Center” in Disneysea then we will all be in for a real treat.
Dragons seem to be the male equivalent to the female obsession of unicorns. I don’t want to ride one, I just want to see it burn some… stuff. Plus I’ve been watching a lot of "Game of Thrones" lately.
I'm going to throw the Bravo Sierra flag on this thread, too.
Does anybody with half a brain think Disney's going to use an alligator or crocodile in a threatening manner in an attraction after the death of the little boy at the Grand Floridian resort a short time ago? Really? That idea is beyond stupid.
Great point Tim, and I get what you're saying completely. It is a tragic thing what happened to the little boy at Grand and I'm not sure if Disney would even think of doing an attraction with a Gator or Croc.
Same Post style as the OP
Posted within a minute of the OP replying.
You're not very good at this are you?
I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone that I'm a long time reader of the boards. Except for Hillman's stuff. That guy is whack!
Watch it TH! I used to be normal until I started reading your posts on TPI darn near 2 decades ago. Sadly my descent into a questionable mental state started when I found myself starting to agree with you.
By the way, we need to get together the next time I'm in Orlando and hoist a few adult beverages. (and for those of you inclined to be snarky, Ensure is not an adult beverage.)
Something tells me “Onward” is going to tank, so the hope for Disney’s dragon future seems to lie with only “Dragon Empire”.
I guess they’ll have to hit a homerun with Dragon Empire. It sounds good, but it also sounds a bit too much like Mulan. A young Asian female played by Jamie Chung has an old dragon as her companion.
Tim Hillman: Why would anyone question your use of ensure? Oh...because you said that and then deleted it? What an idot. Theme Park Insider readers: Please ignore the old, antiquated, remarks from Tim and TH and RM. I'm so sorry these middle aged white men exist to try and tell you your thoughts and ideas. I'm so sorry... theme parks stretch far beyond this white privilege...
Hoaxes live on forever (in peoples minds, only.. :-) )
When you need a troll - Barry Z steps up to the plate.
Not your best effort though, Barry. If you want to call someone an idiot try spelling the word correctly. Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it? (Just in case you edit your posting, your original post at 7:43 PM said "idot".)
And please don't ever accuse me of deleting a post just to make myself look smarter. You may do that, but I don't play those silly games.
As far as white privilege goes, you've lost me on that one. Cut back on the Cheetos and the sugary Coke a little and get out of your mom's basement for a while and maybe you can post something coherent.
Children, Behave.
I doubt Disney would look that much ahead and have a 5th, 6th and 7th gate already planned. This is the company that takes a year to build a themed bathroom.
But it is SUCH a nice bathroom.
"But it is SUCH a nice bathroom."
LOL, that's true. Hopefully they add it to the photopass.
Whatever they theme it to, it will eventually be themed to me. I will see to it personally.
Because, of course, I am a real person just like the three shipdits that started this thread and keep waving the flag for fan fiction.
Tim...I lost you on that one because you're ignorant. Cute retort though. Looking forward to the next one!
This isn't fun anymore.
The "Fantasia" section will go with the original concept for Beastly Kingdomme of Good vs. Evil.
The boat ride in the “Good” section will be similar to many other younger audience boat rides like “It’s a Small World”. Where various good characters from the film Fantasia will be shown with classical music. While “Bald Mountain” is totally different, it is in the “Bad” section and is supposed to be one of the most terrifying rides in Disney history. Similar to “Journey to Atlantis” in Sea World, it will be both a log flume and a coaster ride.
There is a very good possibility that a new version of “Fantasmic” would go in this section as well. It will be placed in the middle of the 2 sections, towards the very front of the park.
It would be nice to get some rides for the whole family in Beastly Dominion. My kid isn't to the age yet where she can go on anything too death defying.
Plus I get motion sickness pretty easily on things. Which is one of the reasons why I love dark rides and boat rides so much. I only like puking if I've drank or eaten too much.
I never liked the movie Fantasia, I always thought it was very boring. Even as an adult I couldn’t sit through it.
On a similar note I still can’t believe Disney made sections of their All Star Movie resort dedicated to Fantasia, Herbie and Mighty Ducks as well. Talk about dropping the ball. They’ve could have gone with way more marketable IP’s.
Disney wants to bring Asian rides to the U.S. (Tron, Journey, Roaring Rapids, etc) because they know most people will not travel to their foreign parks. I loved Tokyo, but I can see why others would be apprehensive, it is a vastly different culture.
Tokyo Disneysea is probably the best park in all of the world. But I agree the city and the crowds aren’t for everyone. The only reason I may never go again is mostly the distance though. I live in New England so it is way too long of a flight for me. I think it took about 14 hours to get there. Whereas Florida is only 2 to 3 hours away.
I’ve done it once, but probably won’t do it everrrr again.
Beastly Kingdom does sound more like a park name than just a land. Afterall you wouldn’t have a land in Magic Kingdom called _______ Kingdom.
>>>>>Beastly Kingdom does sound more like a park name than just a land.
The stupid is strong in this one....
Chad H
Maybe I have to use less words with a man with such low intelligence.
Beastly Kingdom has Kingdom in it. So it's Bad.
I’m saying your claim is stupid because your assertion that you wouldn’t name a land beastly kingdom is shown to be a load of crap by countless books, documentaries, and advertisements for the park.
The fact is Beastly Kingdom was a planned land for Animal Kingdom. This is a verifiable fact.
If you’re going to come with a bogus rumour, is it so unfair for us to expect you bothered to do 2 minutes of research beforehand?
Can you read?
I said "Beastly Kingdom does sound more like a park name than just a land." With these words I was referring to the fact that it was a rumored land, But I think it sounds better as a park name. You probably didn't get that though. Because you're spending all day in your momma's basement thinking of something stupid to say.
It is my opinion and last time I checked people are allowed to have them on message boards.
I dunno...Deadpool Kingdom has a nice ring to it.
That could be a land, a park, or an actual kingdom.
I think I'm going to buy some ammo and sharpen some weapons...
LOL, you maybe a tad biased Deadpool. But I'd love to see any of them.
>>>I dunno...Deadpool Kingdom has a nice ring to it.
Maybe if you're into Taxidermy. What kind of name is "Deadpool" anyway?
It is the kind of name that isn't your stupid catch phrase.
If I worked for a cut rate comics company that forced me to use my catch phrase as my actual name, that would make me Maximum Effort or Chimichanga Man.
And buddy, your memory is leakier than the Titanic, since you first appeared in who is the old one here? And after countless comic books, several attempts at movies and TV shows, you finally have a movie that doesn't completely suck, but can't even lick the boots of my box office totals. I can't believe that you couldn't ride the coattails of End Game to a better box office total than $137 mil. I would bet you my healing ability that Squirrel Girl could break $150 mil in the current movie climate.
I've beaten the Avengers. Not just one or two of them...all of them...together...Hulk included. If we met in a dark alley someplace, there is only one way that fight would go.
It's funny that as old as you are and you are nothing but a Captain Underpants ripoff.
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I actually have seen this rumor on another forum. I don’t think it’s true, but it would be amazing if it was. It still makes me cry that Eisner went with Dinoland rather than Beastly Kingdomme. But they wanted to create some publicity for their really bad dino film. So Beastly Kingdomme was shelved like one of those crates in the Indiana Jones movie.