This just in from ICON ... 2 new "rides" for next year. 2020 just keeps getting better !!
"We are excited to announce the newest addition to ICON Park - for you adrenaline junkies.
Introducing the Orlando Slingshot - the world's tallest slingshot ride at 300' tall and the Orlando Gyro Drop Tower - the world's tallest free-standing drop tower at 400'. The drop tower's seats will rotate with an unexpected twist as it drops down.
Who will you take on your first ride?
Coming to ICON Park in Spring 2020."
Great, more crap your pants rides.
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I'm really glad to see this place having some success because in this case I think consolidation makes a lot of sense. Have a place in the tourist district that is classy and clean with plenty of parking, where all these types of attractions can be located with good walkability and access to hotels and the convention center, is a good way to go. It always bothered me how the seedy fly by night places like Magical Midway were still around that area is finally starting to turn around.
Although I do find it funny it seems a lot of people that stay on I-Drive are British and the main attractions there are the Merlin attractions: the wheel, Sea Life, and Madame Tussauds. All of these things you can find right in the middle of London and (at least for Sea Life) all over Europe.