Pairi Daiza (Belgium) animal theme park breaks the 2 M attendance barrier

Edited: November 15, 2019, 7:14 AM

Belgian animal theme park Pairi Daiza, is breaking the 2 million visitors / year barrier for the first time in it's growing history. 2,016,000 attendance in 2019, not yet counted the first time announced special Xmas period opening. Winning award after award over the past 10 years, this park is amazingly growing on profits from success only. It is an independent enterprise, not belonging to any leisure parks group or investment machine. It thrives on shear quality and the visitors are voting with their feet, every year more. It is not just a zoo. It is a true, complete theme park, where each zone combines the full make belief immersive theming in landscaping, architecture, folksy arts, authentic cuisine, botanics and, yes, amimals of course. :-) In the last decade, the landscaping + architecture's authenticity in the applied theming started outpacing Disney's. No need to believe me, but I invite people to experience it on their own. I personally rank this park since about 5 years as the #2 worldwide, just after Disney's Animal Kingdom. The actual development is in higher gear then any period before. Wait 5 years until I can rank it 1st, before DAK ! :-) ...The 2 last pictures are of the very recently opened "Canada" theme section, where the first IN PARK hotel started operating. Several more are yet to come. Located 80 km south of Brussels. Pairi Daiza is the original Persian wording for paradise... believe me, the place is very close to that end goal !









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