Universal’s Endless Summer Resort Bus System

February 15, 2020, 5:26 AM

Hello fellow theme park enthusiasts! I’m looking for some insight on the busing system at the Universal Endless Summer Resort. I am a yearly veteran of staying at Cabana Bay and know their bus system very well but I was considering staying at the new Dockside Inn and Suites this spring instead to try something new. Besides walking the Cabana Bay resort itself for the hotel’s amenities (restaurant, bowling, pools) I never utilize the pedestrian bridge so the fact that the Endless Summer hotels are on the other side of I4 are really of no concern to me. I was just wondering if the Endless Summer busses run about as frequently as the Cabana Bay busses do? (About every 10 mins or so depending on time of day and crowd levels). Thanks in advance for any help!

Replies (2)

February 16, 2020, 10:55 AM

The busses run about every 10-15 minutes. In all honesty, I never waited more than 10 minutes on a bus when I stayed there. And the ride over I-4 to the Universal Hub was quick, the same as from Cabana Bay. Have a great time!

February 16, 2020, 5:52 PM

Thanks for the info Keith!

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