This is a new world, A world where social distancing is a permanent new norm, And since parks attract a lot of people, It is virtually impossible to keep them operating anytime in the future. The harsh new reality is that indefinite social distancing is the only way to prevent a new wave in the future, Even if it takes years.
All the hard work they did offseason FOR NOTHING!
The thing is, we won’t be doing this for each and every virus. This one we did because we knew, based on the information we had, that if we did nothing our health systems would become overloaded, so preventative action was needed.
Not so long ago the first you’d know about a pandemic was when the Mourge started filling up.
The alternative was this: for those who don’t want to click one ambulance was turned away by 80 hospitals as they were simply too full.
For this sort of response to be required again you would need a virus that has the right mix of contagiousness and death rate. I don’t see that happening every year.
Well I do, This is the new world
No, it’s really not.
Viruses with this particular risk profile are not annual events, and if they were then this type of mitigation would not Be viable. We would instead mitigate it in other ways, like we do with flu - scale up the health system permanently and in particular in flu season.
Will this virus change things in the world? Yes. This forced experiment will cause us to ask questions as to why we do certain things in certain ways, and whether or not we should keep up certain behaviours.
But the idea that this is the new normal is absurd. It’s not sustainable in the long term.
The only risk to parks I think is those who’s business proposition was already a bit ifffy, and the value of the land would be better unlocked by the park closing.
That’s not a new risk, but this is certainly an opportunity for businesses in that position to think again.
Typhoon, were you interested in having a real discussion on this thread or are you just trying to hammer in a doomsday scenario on everyone else? Because each of your comments within the past day concerning this topic have been you shouting down others who try and have a more optimistic viewpoint.
James, what's wrong with you?
Man that was fun! Pressing that Caps Lock button made feel like a better version of myself. I was smarter. I was wiser. I had less nose hair. World peace was possible. There was a Helen Reddy anthem playing in the background.
Or maybe it was that 7th cup of coffee this morning. I dunno.
Do you see how angry the majority of Americana are at people who want to reopen things?
You keep saying that things will never be the same. Like James Koehl said, it’s totally okay to be sad. However, dwelling in it isn’t the best option. But also, I think you’re taking this a bit too much. This is a website for theme park enthusiasts and we’re trying to have fun and try to give our takes on how to reopen the parks. I’m sure a lot of the people on here have fun discussing this or other topics in threads people have started.
But on Twitter, You’re not allowed to hope for reopening. Which is very sad
Can we please not act like this virus is the end of the world and of all things in it? Changes are coming, sure, but a vast majority of what we know will survive. I am betting that by July, we will start seeing parks open again. They will probably not operate at 100% during the 2020 season, and the experience will certainly not be the same as what we've become accustomed to, but the notion that all of them are going to roll over and die just because they lost a portion of the season is nonsensical.
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Never say "never." You said on another thread that you were sad- so am I, and so are a lot of people. The "new norm," whatever that will be, will happen, but there will be a lot of changes in all parts of society and civilization, and that includes medicine. When I was in pharmacy school, many years ago, I remember being told that they would probably never develop an antiviral we have dozens that work, and either prolong and provide quality of life, or kill the virus. I am completely confident that we will develop both a pharmaceutical treatment (not hydroxychloroquine, which tends to cause severe, sometimes fatal heart problems) and a vaccine to stop the Covid-19 virus. It won't be tomorrow, but it will happen within the next year or so, I'm confident. Until then, yes, we will have to adjust to a new world, just like our grandparents did during WWII. You know what? They lived, and they came out appreciating what they had more. We can do that, also.
It's ok to be sad, but don't be incapacitated by that sadness. There are lots of other things to do besides going to theme parks, and there are lots of things about theme parks that you can do right at home. Robert Niles is ALWAYS looking for articles and writers, especially about topics other than the usual Disney/Universal stuff. Historic parks, rides that were groundbreaking but no longer exist, parks that are not your "traditional" theme/amusement park but that have been inspired by them, or that inspire the traditional parks. And there is always those things that have nothing to do with theme parks, but that you are interested in. It's ok to be sad, but don't dwell on it. If you need to talk to someone, then talk to someone you feel can help you. Like they say in "Dear Evan Hanson," no one is alone.