Disneyland Walk in Walt's Footsteps Tour

August 20, 2014, 6:21 AM

Hi all, I just wanted to post this here as it wasn't showing on the DL website. From September 2nd until mid October the Walk in Walt's footsteps Tour wont be going in to Walt's apartment. This is apparently due to construction on Main Street, I was informed by the operators when I called.
This has meant that I haven't bothered to book it for my first DL trip as this was going to be a real showstopper for me.
I may have actually cried when I hung up the phone from that call. :-(

Replies (1)

September 2, 2014, 7:37 PM

Wow. Thank you for the heads up. My pass expires Sep. 13th (never know if we're going to renew) and was thinking of doing it this year. If I was going to do the tour it would only be to go into the apartment. Glad you checked and shared the info!

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