The Future of Frozen

September 1, 2014, 6:09 AM

This is a twofold question:

1. Tomorrow on ABC, Disney is going to make an announcement concerning the future of Frozen during the behind the scenes special. There are at least three possibilities for what this might be.

A: A new short film added to the sing along DVD (one rumor I heard is that it might be about how Elsa got her powers)

B: Frozen 2 (theatrical or straight to DVD)

C: Disney announces Frozen ride to replace Maelstrom (which comes to my second question...)

2. Many people have speculated Maelstrom will close on September 28 because there are no FP+ reservations available after that date. Do you believe that this means the Frozen ride got greenlit or could it be something else? If Disney did confirm Frozen as Maelstrom's replacement, what do you think it will be like (retheme or new ride system)?

Personally, I feel that the Maelstrom building might be too small for a new ride because this will be incredibly popular and I don't think Maelstrom has a big extended queue (could put it in the theater). I think a new ride system (trackless sleighs) would work better than another boat ride, but let's hope it's not going to be all screen based or even worse, in pointless 3D.

So what do you guys think is going to happen with the future of Frozen?

Replies (2)

September 2, 2014, 4:53 PM

A direct to DVD sequel of spin-off would never happen because Disney know that that film, (no matter the quality)would still make a mint. Most likely no where near as much as the first one, but knowing Disney they wouldn't pass up that opportunity to make more money.

September 2, 2014, 4:53 PM

A direct to DVD sequel of spin-off would never happen because Disney know that that film, (no matter the quality)would still make a mint. Most likely no where near as much as the first one, but knowing Disney they wouldn't pass up that opportunity to make more money.

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