2014 KasnakCoaster Poll

March 9, 2015, 6:13 PM

Introducing the all new KASNAK COASTER POLL!

The Kasnak Coaster Poll is a brand new poll of coaster enthusiasts from around the world that ranks wood and steel coasters together! Using enthusiast’s ballots similar to other coaster polls, the Kasnak Coaster Poll utilizes a point based system to rank coasters from around the world.

How will ballots be scored?: Each ballot received will be scored using a points system. Each ballot will take 100 and divide it by the number of coasters on the ballot. The resulting number will be used to assign a point value to each coaster on the ballot, starting with 100.
Example: We receive a ballot with 10 coasters on it. We take 100 and divide by 10, giving us 10. The top ranked coaster would receive 100 points, the second place coaster 90 points, the third place coaster 80 points and so on. After all ballots are received each coaster’s total points will be divided by the total number of riders to arrive at its final score. Scores will be calculated to the hundredth of a point. There will be a minimum number of riders needed to be included in the final results. This number will be based on the number of ballots received.
This method serves a couple purposes. First of all it gives the opinions of seasoned riders a little more weight. For example the second place coaster of a ballot with 10 coasters would receive 90 points, but the second place coaster of a ballot with 100 coasters would receive 99 points. Secondly, we believe that it is the best way to give an accurate overall picture of how each coaster stacks up against its peers.

Who can participate?: Anyone who has ridden a roller coaster and has an email address is welcome to participate! Whether you have ridden 5 coasters or 500+ we would love to see your ballot!

How can I participate?: It’s easy! Using the guide below simply fill out your ballot and email it to coasterpoll@gmail.com! The voting for this year’s poll ends on Thursday, April 2nd at 11:59 pm EST. You will receive a confirmation email that your ballot has been received. When the tabulations are completed you will receive the results, as well as a copy of each submitted ballot to your email as well. I am working to get a website set up that will list the year by year results and ballots from each year. It may or may not be up in time for this year’s poll results. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL NEVER BE USED FOR ANY OTHER REASON THAN CONTACTING YOU WITH QUESTIONS, CONFIRMATIONS, OR RESULTS.

Filling out your ballot: To fill out your ballot simply provide your name, email address, city, and state, followed by a ranked list of the coasters you have ridden, and the park each resides in. Please be sure to specify to the park for coasters that have the same name! You may include defunct coasters if you so desire, however they will be listed separately in the final results. The grouping method is absolutely acceptable if you have a large number of coasters ridden and do not want to/feel like ranking each individually. Having your ballot in an Excel spreadsheet with rank, coaster name, and park in three separate columns would be appreciated but is not required. The following coaster types will be group together (as seen, for example, on Mitch Hawker’s polls in the past) for the purposes on this poll.
Favorite Vekome SLC
Favorite Vekoma Boomerang
Favorite Giant Inverted Boomerang
Favorite Invertigo
Favorite Schwartzkopf Shuttle Loop
Favorite Intamin ZacSpin
Favorite Ultratwister
Favorite Skyloop XT150
Favorite Gerstlauer Spinning Coaster
Favorite Eurofighter 320+
Favorite Looping Star
Favorite Extened SC2000
Favorite Intamin Halfpipe
Favorite Jet Star
Favorite Wild Mouse
Favorite Loop-Screw
Favorite Wildcat
Favorite Windstorm
Favorite Spinning Wild Mouse
Favorite Powered Coaster
Favorite Arrow Corkscrew
Favorite Vekoma Corkscrew
Favorite Flitzer
Favorite RC40/50
Favorite Zyklon
Favorite Galaxi
Favorite Zyklon Loop
Favorite Jumbo Jet (Any)
Favorite Tivoli
Favorite Vekoma Family Suspended Coaster
Favorite Kiddie Coaster


John Doe
Orlando, FL

1. Maverick, Cedar Point
2. Diamondback, Kings Island
3. El Toro, SFGAd
4. New Texas Giant, SFOT
5. Expedition GeForce, Holiday Park (Germany)
6. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Magic Kingdom
7. Favorite Vekoma SLC, N/A

A little about me: My name is Vincent Kasnak Scott and I am a long time park and coaster enthusiast from Indiana. I am married and have a Shetland Sheep Dog named Wrigley. I have always looked forward to the various annual coaster polls as the highlight of my offseason. I wanted to create a poll that allows us to see how different types of coasters rank when they are all put on equal footing.


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