I was wondering if anyone has gone to 6 flags on a Sunday in Sept. I'm trying to plan our family trip however last time went during summer it was crazy busy. So trying to pick a month were the average ride will be 30 minutes or less. Of course I know the newer ones are usually longer. Please help with feedback so I can go forward with our plans. Thank you everyone in advance
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As long as you're going after Labor Day you shouldn't have to worry about crowds on a Sunday at SFMM. It may not be completely dead, but even the headliners probably will have waits below 30 minutes unless they are only running one train (Full Throttle and Twisted Colossus are the two possible exceptions). Even though the hours are reduced (typically 10:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.), I've found this is often enough time to ride every coaster in the park and re-ride my favorites, even without the aid of a Flash Pass.