The Sun Sentinel reports on Florida's record-breaking first quareter:
"Forida welcomed more visitors in the first three months of this year than any quarter in history. A total of 28.4 million visitors came to the state, up 6.2 percent from the record arrivals a year ago."
Up 6.2% over last year's record first quarter?! That's just STUNNING!
The numbers for last year Theme park attendance usually comes out in June and I am curious to see them....
But yes this is great growth for Orlando and Florida, maybe Florida will send
TH Creative a check like they do in Alaska from all the oil.
Ya know rom all the tax revenue..
SeaWorld was up 5%
Great numbers for my favorite vacation destination. More visitors should translate into more profit. And more profit, hopefully, will turn into additional new experiences.
Up 5% from? Last year? Last quarter? Last week?
I'll assume you meant last year for now.
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And how many of them avoided Sea World? ^_^