Forbidden Journey Japan

May 20, 2015, 12:09 PM

Reports on OU that Universal Japan is converting HP Forbidden Journey to 3D tomorrow. Will Universal Orlando & Hollywood follow if this proves to be a popular move?

Replies (4)

Edited: May 20, 2015, 12:24 PM

That would be quite unfortunate. The attraction works great without 3D, and since only half of it is screen-based, wearing 3-D glasses, especially the newer style ones, would detract from the practical portion of the ride that is purposely dimly lit. You can barely see some of the details of the practical sets as it is. I can only imagine how it will be if you're riding with glasses, or they'll have to pump up the lighting that many of the effects are washed out.

May 21, 2015, 12:08 PM

Forbidden Journey in Orlando is great the way it is... Should be the standard of any new or cloned attraction...

The 3D glasses are great on Spidy and they are just OK on Escape from Gringots but we can do with out them.

May 21, 2015, 12:31 PM

I'm dubious about the glasses on FJ myself. FJ is a great ride without them. I recall that when Japan was first opening there was speculation they were going to have 3D glasses at that time. I haven't seen anything that explains why they waited until now. Rumors are abound that they will be coming to the USA parks in the near future, but I hope not.

May 25, 2015, 8:41 AM

Just saw the 3D glasses on a Japanese Universal HP video. They look just like Quiddich goggles. Good theming.

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