what famous cars and photo ops are there at universal studios. I know they have harry potter train and the blues brothers but do they have things like jaws and the blues brothers or fast and furious cars
thanks. really looking forward to going
If it helps, there are a lot of markers throughout the parks that point out ideal photo perspectives. Fair warning, people can get in the way or there may be a wait if others have the same idea.
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Hello, I was there last summer and they had a big hanging jaws shark that you can stick your head in it's mouth. There is also the delorean from back to the future. There's also the opportunity to get a picture with one of the transformers outside of the ride. And loads of bit around the Simpsons land too. This is all in universal studios. Islands of adventure you've got dinosaurs at Jurassic park, obviously all the harry potter photo ops, and then things in marvel superhero island as well. Hope this helps!