What's the best order to do the rides at Six Flags Magic Mountain?

July 24, 2015, 5:48 PM

What is the best order to do the rides at Magic Mountain? It will be my husband and I and our daughter who will almost be 9 years old and is up for any and every thrill ride she's tall enough for. She will probably not be 54 inches tall by then, so we will be skipping the rides with that requirement. She probably will be at least 52 inches tall by then though.

Any tips or hints would be greatly appreciated, including best places to eat, best order to ride, etc. Also we will be getting either the gold or the platinum flash passes so any tips about that would be helpful also.


Replies (2)

July 24, 2015, 7:13 PM

At 52 inches, your daughter will be able to ride everything except the four B&Ms (Batman, Riddler's, Scream, and Tatsu), Full Throttle, and Viper. If your daughter happens to be below 52 inches at the time of your visit, the only additional ride she can't ride is Green Lantern.

As the Platinum Flash Pass costs $55 more and only includes 3 additional rides (one of which your daughter cannot ride), I would stick with the Gold Flash Pass. You will be given a handheld Q-bot device and can make reservations with it at any time from anywhere in the park. When you make a reservation, you will be given a return time for the attraction and can return at any point after that. As soon as you scan your device at the entrance, you are free to reserve your next attraction. Most queues merge at the station, so you will still have to wait a few trains but it should be less than 10 minutes.

As for a touring plan, with a Flash Pass a specific touring plan is not necessary. However, I would recommend you get to the park at least 30 minutes before opening time. Once the park opens, take the Orient Express up to Samurai Summit and ride Superman and Ninja (both of which are not on the Flash Pass and have limited capacity), then ride the Orient Express back down and pick up your Flash Pass. All other coasters will have Flash Pass access except Twisted Colossus and X2. As long as Twisted Colossus has all three trains running the line will move fast and X2's line is shortest in the 2-5 P.M. window. Just go around the park in a logical order and you'll have no problem riding everything. The following are what I would consider the must-ride attractions at the park (excluding those your daughter can't ride):

-Apocalypse the Ride
-Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom
-Roaring Rapids (only if you're okay with getting soaked)
-Superman: Escape from Krypton
-Twisted Colossus

As for food, most of the dining options at the park are expensive for the food quality. I usually eat at Johnny Rockets, Loaded Dogs, or Waterfront Commissary, but almost everywhere in the park is about the same. If you want a full service meal, your only option is the Full Throttle Sports Bar, but I have not eaten there so I can't comment on it. If possible, wait until after leaving the park to grab dinner...you'll save money and it will likely be better.

I hope you have a good time at the park. While it's not the greatest park in the world, it does have the best coaster collection I've seen anywhere. As long as you don't expect the quality of Disney or Universal you should have a fun day.

July 26, 2015, 7:51 AM

Thanks for the helpful information.

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