Which Day Will Be The Least Crowded on Labor Day Weekend?

Edited: July 31, 2015, 11:01 AM

I did a Google search for a statistical analysis of attendance at theme parks on Labor Day weekend and came up empty. Does anyone have a handle on whether attendance is likely to be higher on Sunday or Monday? I'd like to visit Lagoon and flights from Philly to Salt Lake City are pretty pricey - close to $800 - on my preferred dates but if I go on Labor Day weekend I can get there and back for $325. B/c the red eye flights are not available at this time it would necessitate a two-day stay in SLC. Whether I fly on a Saturday, spend Sunday at the park and fly home on Monday, or fly on a Sunday, spend Monday at the park and fly home on Tuesday makes no difference in the cost of the trip. So what is my best option?

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