Disney has cleared a sizable chunk of land on the east side of World Drive just before the Epcot off-ramp. Any idea what it might be?
Could another resort fit in the location next to Epcot?
Plenty of room for a resort. The reason I pose the question is that I am surprised there is no chatter about it on the web.
I haven't read a rumor anywhere on this.
They need to build resorts so they can build more DVCs! said every Disney fanboy ever.
Still stunned that none of the gazillion theme park sites have published any information about this project.
While the sheer size of the site is noteworthy, the location is also intriguing. Whatever they are building will be prominently featured on one of the most traveled roads on the property.
Yes, pure secrecy on this. Hoping it's some new hotels. The on sites are getting tough to book with the big no slow season crowds.
Disney seems to be better at keeping secrets than some of the other guys.
It's going to be a solar farm! The panels are planned to be in a Mickey Head shape.
It's a partnership between Reedy Creek Development and Duke Power ??
You're probably right on that TH. Usually the Universal rumor stuff that leaks a year or so before an official announcement is generally right on. Possibly because Universal contracts out so much design and other work.
Bjresmom nails it!
I agree TH, shocking no one covered this, Fortune posted a thread in May.
Disney twitterverse a million times more interested in new Pecos Bill menu than huge 21st century solar power facility.
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Yes, I saw that during our trip. I was wondering about that also.