The Good Dinosaur?

Edited: November 29, 2015, 6:32 PM

Pixar's The Good Dinosaur opened this weekend and hopefully this won't be their first box office flop, so let's play hypotheticals and imagine where this one can go.

At Disney World, there already exists two dinosaur themed attractions. DINOSAUR should probably go untouched at Animal Kingdom, but I don't think anyone would mind if Disney did away with Chester and Hester's and replaced it with something worthy and related to the movie.

There's also Ellen's Energy Adventure at Epcot. I haven't seen the movie yet, but as I understand it, there involves a plot with treating nature and some of the dinosaurs are farmers and ranchers. It seems like Disney could just update the existing prehistoric section with characters from the movie while retaining the edutainment aspect, but alas, so many people hate it when characters of any kind are brought to that park.

I've tried to think of somewhere for Disneyland, but nothing seems quite as obvious to me.

Have you seen the movie? If so, what would you do if you were in charge of adding the Good Dino to the resorts?

Replies (6)

November 29, 2015, 9:12 PM

they'll probably add something to Dino Land. I doubt that Disney will make anything extravagant considering it hasn't seemed to be popular. I think it pixar's second worst film (cars 2 Is the worst)

November 29, 2015, 9:26 PM

I enjoyed the film, and the animation is really superb, but it definitely has not been a big bread winner for Pixar so far ($55.6M domestic over its first five days). Regardless of how the film performs, it did not scream out for a theme park attraction to me. But again, it was a good movie, definitely worth your time.

November 30, 2015, 1:46 PM

They could look into overlaying the dino midway thing. Or raze the area and build up a b ticket style ride that focuses on atmosphere and visuals.

November 30, 2015, 1:55 PM

Considering it opened when Mockingjay is in its box office prime, I can't blame Pixar if it turns into a flop.

But excuses aside, the critic consensus of the film was great visuals, mediocre everywhere else. It doesn't really deserve an attraction financial wise or review wise.

November 30, 2015, 7:30 PM

Animated movies have more longevity than action movies. Dinosaur could eventually find an audience. $55 million isn't a flop.

November 30, 2015, 7:36 PM

We saw the extended sneak peak at OMD this afternoon while at HS and I must say I wanted to see the film because it was a Pixar film but after seeing this I genuinely want to see the film because it looks well made. It gave more background, the T REX are basically Cowboy Ranchers, it had a very Western flick feeling to it.

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