StarWars Launch Bay

November 30, 2015, 7:41 PM

Was told today that it will open at Park opening either tomorrow or Wednesday, so I'll be there at opening tomorrow (and Wednesday if it doesn't open tomorrow) and I'll give a report later that afternoon! Can't wait the CM gave me a lot of tid bits on what will be different compared to its West Coast counterpart. They gave select CM's an early preview over the holiday weekend. Today I could see people painting through the frosted doors at the Disney Junior Live on Stage FastPass entrance queue.

We also headed over to Watto's Grotto today and loaded up on some goods, my 9 month old son got the attention of a lot of CM's to the point where we had him on the floor playing with the Sphero BB-8 it had him lit up like the Osbourne Lights.

Replies (2)

December 1, 2015, 7:11 AM

Launch Bay still closed as of this morning, Guest Service Manager informed me that they are putting the final touches on it and it could open at any moment today. Could still be tomorrow though.

December 1, 2015, 7:51 AM

Launch Bay is open!

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