Happy new year!
On 12/30/15 I went to Great Adventure's Holiday in the Park and the park was empty! The temperature was around 45, so I thought the B&M coasters would not be operating. However, all the rides opened at 1 pm. As soon as the gates opened I headed to Batman the Ride. I had not been on a Batman clone before, so I grabbed a front row seat on the first ride of the day. While a bit rough because of the ride's age, it was still an enjoyable experience. Also, the coaster was only running one train. The B&M invert is my favorite model of coaster. Next, we went over to my personal favorite coaster, Nitro. I rode in the back row and while the airtime was good and the ride was fun, the coaster was noticeably vibrating. Then we walked to the other side of the park and rode Superman Ultimate Flight, my first flying coaster. I thought this ride was really intense, especially during the pretzel loop. Operations were very slow because of only one train being used. Next, my least favorite coaster, Green Lantern. I tried this coaster for a second time after a really painful ride last June. It was worse. Even though I sat (stood) in the front, it was extremely rough, especially during the corkscrews. There was lots of ear bashing, my legs felt sore, and the bicycle seat was comfortable to say the least. To top it off, only one train was in operation. After my headache we went on Houdini's Great Escape, a Vekoma Madhouse. It was fun but not thrilling. Next a ride on Batman, running a bit faster than it was earlier, then Nitro in the front row. It was faster, had more airtime, and less vibration. So so so good for a 15 year old coaster. Then skyscreemer. It was very thrilling but too short of a ride. One ride on the Dark Knight (kind of meh) then we got out as soon as the park started to get crowded. We were able to do the park's four open B&M coasters within an hour. I think it was a good time, especially because of the light crowds and coasters. I will be back this summer for Total Mayhem, and I will go to Holiday in the Park 2016.
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