Star Tours at Star Wars Land/Fate of Muppet Vision 3D

January 18, 2016, 4:53 PM

Considering Star Tours will not be part of Disneyland's Star Wars Land since it is on the opposite side of the park, does anyone think Star Tours will not be in the DHS version? Because Star Wars Land is going in the Streets of America/Backlot Tour area, this would leave Star Tours away from that side. This is so because I heard rumors that Muppet Vision 3D is not closing because of the supposed Muppet restaurant replacing Pizza Planet and the success of the ABC Muppet show. If they want Star Tours as part of Star Wars Land, do you think Muppets should relocate to the old American Idol theater or replace Little Mermaid? (This would also result in a relocation of the Frozen sing along in a permanent theater.)

Replies (7)

January 19, 2016, 8:16 AM

I would "guess" either they will be separate, or they will use the parade float gated area and create a walk way back and around Star Tours and Muppet Vision to the StarWars Land. Keep in mind it has also been rumored that the main entrance that runs along the back side of that area of the park is going to be removed as well, so this could mean StarWars Land is more SouthEast (over Cypress Drive and S Studio Drive).

Looking at the rendering of ToyStory Land my guess is ToyStory Land will extend from behind The Voyage of the Little Mermaid South to the AFI Showcase/Watto's Gratto area possibly even Lights Motors Action. And then StarWars Land would take over the backstage road and main entrance roads as well as the Streets of America area.

Edited: January 19, 2016, 8:34 AM

I would be really sad if Muppet Vision closes.

January 19, 2016, 8:22 PM

That last post made me smile. :)

Has The Muppets been a success for ABC? It's averaging 4 million viewers an episode and is in the process of a massive production restructuring. I'd love to see more Muppets and hope the restaurant comes to life, but it seems we might be in the minority on this one.

Edited: January 19, 2016, 9:19 PM

Just about every insider opinion I've read is saying that Star Tours is staying at DHS. There's no consensus that Star Wars will be using the SOA or LMA areas. Those areas just might end up being used for construction staging or another expansion phase after SW & TSL. So there's no reason to worry about any of that stuff at this stage of the game. Things seem to be a bit fluid right now. Only time will tell.

January 19, 2016, 10:46 PM

According to what I've heard, most of the closures so far are for Toy Story Land and Star Wars Land will actually expand the footprint of the park. The sketch I saw showed Star Tours being at the entrance to the area, with the land built to the southeast. In any event, Star Tours is not likely to be going anywhere. Also, while Star Tours will not be part of Star Wars Land when it opens at Disneyland, it will be relocated there as part of Phase 2.

January 20, 2016, 9:05 AM

Muppets, a portion of the New York street, and Mama Melrose restaurant are staying. I'm not sure if this is good news. This means Star Wars Land in in for a surprise for it will be separate from Star Tours.

I expect Toy Story land to begin the back side of the Chinese Theater. It will extend to the tip of Residential Street. Then Star Wars Land begins and ends at Muppet Vision. This layout is weird. Perhaps the better explanation is this is phase 1 and they only just begun.

January 23, 2016, 7:58 AM

Muppets will be staying. Its a high capacity attraction that seems to still bring in the guests. It is also relatively cheap to run!

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