Next Walt Disney Sign-Ups
Walt Disney World: Sign up for Next Walt Disney here! Details inside.
From Andy Milio
Posted January 4, 2011 at 12:05 PM
Welcome all to the Next Walt Disney sign-ups! In case all you guys are wondering, this is not plagiarising Theme Park Apprentice. I had permission from Tim W to make this sort of continuation of TPA. Now, this game plays the same as TPA: contestants design attractions, shops, or whatever the task is and we have a poll to see who stays and who leaves. I will also be playing, but I pledge not to gain votes or hype in an unfair way. So, if you would like to sign-up, say so on this thread. I will unveil the tasks after I get a number of contestants. PLEASE DON'T SIGN UP IF YOU ARE GOING TO DROP OUT. Thanks.
Sign me up..and lets see what i can imagine, and create..
Well, we have two contestants so far. Anyone else?
From Tim W
Posted January 4, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Of Course Andy, I would love to join :)
Well, now we're at 3 :D Any more? I think we need more.
do we actually have to drawn out the ride plan and mail it to you? i think i would like to join
Damond, no you just post details about your ride/shop/idea. And if you join, now we have 4.
Ok then yeah I'm definitely in. I have been waiting for an opportunity to share my ideas. Let's see if I have what it takes
Well, we have David Sutter, Tim W, Damond Harris, and me. Any more?
Sure, I will try!
I am nearly fresh out of ideas though!
^Shouldn't be too hard. I'm doing most of the challenges from TPA's 1st season. Now we're at 5! Yay!
I would like to join, too. I promise not to drop out, although I suspect that I'll be forced out of the running early on. Hey, I can be the theme park equivalent of William Hung!
^Well, happy to see you here anyways! We're going up to 6! That's good!
From Tom Rigg
Posted January 6, 2011 at 6:56 AM
Wasn't sure if you were just updating the count to 6 or limiting it to six, but I'd like to join too if you still have room.
I've been lurking for a few months and am now ready to jump in, if you'll have me. Count me in!
All right 8 people! I think there should be a cut off date though. Also, who's going to deciee who's ideas stay and who's go?
From Eric S
Posted January 6, 2011 at 9:08 AM
I'm kind of new to the website, but I'm game. I will not drop out.
I'm new here but i'll give it a go, im always thinking of how things could be better in the parks
Sweet! 10 contestants! I think that's the perfect number for our first season. So congrats to our contestants:
David Sutter
Tim W
Damond Harris
Anthony Murphy
Randall Peek
Tom Rigg
Joseph Catlett
Eric S
Ben Basford
And now for our schedule:
1. Dark Ride
2. Shop
3. Parade
4. 3D/4D Show
5. Themed Roller Coaster
6. Themed Restaurant
7. Hotel
8. Themed Land
9. Theme Park
Challenge 1 shall be posted soon...Good luck to you all!
Alright! I can't wait to share my ideas. Do all our ideas have to be Disney based themes?
Yes, all challenges will take place at Disney parks, but I might change that
Ok I hope you do because I have some ideas for universal as well
I'd be willing to take a shot at this but with school and such I might be a little slow to post things up or get ideas fully finished.
If that's okay I'd like to join in.
Cool, first challenge is already up. I will add a challenge later. Thanks for joining
I'm excited but I have never done this before, is there a protocol sheet I can use as an example or something to that nature because I have no idea what we're doing ..thanx
Hey Ben you should look at some of the theme park apprentice post, that's what I did.
Ok Andy whats the challange. And due date.
David, the challenge is not on this thread. There is a different thread. It is a dark ride challenge and it is due by January 16
Has the actual game thread begun already? If so, I am unable to find it. I'd like to get started, as the 16th is my birthday and I'd like to have my submission ready before then. What are the criteria for the dark ride?
Randall, you must not be looking very hard. I barely follow the "creating" threads, and even I saw the thread you're seeking.
From Andy Milio
Posted January 11, 2011 at 5:11 AM
Here Randall. This will answer your question:
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