Jurassic Park Expansion?

Universal Orlando: The title is enough of a summary.

From Colton McLaughlin
Posted January 26, 2011 at 12:39 PM
I've been wondering for a while if Universal will ever update the Jurassic Park section of IOA. I feel that if any part needs a new ride or experience, it's Jurassic Park, which has sat with only one ride and a huge section of the park since it's opening in 1999. So does anyone know if there are any plans to add any new rides or something in Jurassic Park?

From Nick Markham
Posted January 26, 2011 at 12:52 PM
The trouble is how do you expand it? If you add another attraction thaat has a story, well, there is really only one story and it would overlap with Jurassic Park River Adventure. For now, they have more to be concerned about than the Jurassic Park area.

From Hermione Potter
Posted January 26, 2011 at 12:59 PM
They're more likely to turn some of it into potter, even if only an extended queue to enter during busy times lol. I agree though, that one ride and one playground is not nearly enough for such a large area.

From Colton McLaughlin
Posted January 26, 2011 at 5:04 PM
I can definitely see some of it being turned into WWoHP; most of the area near Harry Potter is trees and some snack stands. However, I think they could add in something like a walk-through journey into the pterodactyls' hangar like in the book and the third movie, or something like that.

From Rob P
Posted January 27, 2011 at 5:45 AM
More Potterisation ?

Surely they won't risk putting too many eggs into one basket will they ?
Better to invest in the expansion/ refurbishment of another successful area like Jurassic Park or Super Hero Island and keep a good mix going. Harry Potter, whilst being extremely profitable right now, isn't to everyone's taste and fashions and trends can change.

From Colton McLaughlin
Posted January 27, 2011 at 8:47 AM
I predict there will definitely be some expansion of WWoHP. However, I don't think Harry Potter is a trend, it's been incredibly popular for over ten years and the actual WWoHP is one of the greatest parts of a theme park I've ever seen.

I really would like to see some expansion of Jurassic Park or Marvel Super Hero Island before Harry Potter, which already has four really great rides in it. But I think Toon Lagoon should be re-themed, or at least refurbished. The last time I was there, it looked like it really needed a fresh coat of paint.

From steve lee
Posted January 27, 2011 at 8:11 PM
There won't be any expansion of MSHI now that Disney owns the Marvel brand. I also doubt we'll see any major moves in Jurassic Park unless another movie comes along and makes a lot more than JP3.

The money is certainly in Potter now. And you have to admit - one new attraction wasn't enough.

From Mike Seary
Posted February 5, 2011 at 1:42 PM
Gonna go ahead and say it, their priorities would seem better placed in a complete refurb/upgrade of the River Adventure ride instead of expanding/constructing new rides, I think...

...Let's be honest, JPRA is in pretty rough shape. The animatronics jerk around like an epileptic junkie coming down off of bad dope and their mounted bases are plainly visible beneath the surface of the shallow water, absolutely decimating ANY suspension of belief whatsoever. The indoor portion of the ride is ok, but then it has the cover of darkness to smooth over all the aging blemishes. The T-Rex, though, seems like he could be a little more dynamic, loud, and threatening...

...and what's the deal with his upper torso? It seriously looks like someone bought a Wal-Mart bedsheet that was on sale and painted some lizard scales on it. Last time I rode, it even had a hole torn in it.

I get a little touchy about that ride only because it basically carries the whole land on its shoulders, yet with a little work/attn to detail/tlc, could be quite the wicked ride experience indeed.

So yeah, Universal Creative... fix that stuff first; make JPRA a good, immersive ride again, AND THEN start figuring out what else you are gonna put in Jurassic Park.

PS: Something other than walkthroughs would be nice.

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