What is your new year's theme park resolution?
It can be an overseas/cross-country big trip or a small one nearby your home.
I have two resolutions, and both of them are nearby my home:
1) Dine at Be our Guest and order the ratatouille.
2) Ride the new Test Track.
I want to do the Underwater Sea Adventure at Discover Cove Orlando.
Also hit the new Harry Potter area in USF even though it does not open until 2014. Hey, I can wish….
I make only one New Years Resolution each year..and it's exactly the same every year:
To do something in the calendar year that I've never done before.
Being the person I am, this resolution is often met through amusement parks..visiting one I've never been to, riding a new-to-me coaster, etc. It may spread into my non-park life as well.
But it's a resolution I've never broken.
From Dominick D
Posted December 27, 2012 at 1:47 PM
Try a Citrus Swirl.
Brian - I did SeaVenture this year and it was amazing! Highly recommended!
My one wish rather than resolution is to get to Disneyland. This depends on funds obviously.
From James Rao
Posted December 28, 2012 at 4:21 AM
In 2013, I resolve to finally get back to my roots in Southern California (I moved away in 1981). During this trip, I have five main priorities, in no particular order:
Spend time with family I have not seen in many years.
Visit Cars Land.
Re-experience the REAL Pirates of the Caribbean.
Ride X2 at Magic Mountain.
Have a photo op with the man himself, Robert Niles!
Everything else we do = gravy.
Thanks Kelly – I know the Sea adventure adds a bit to the cost but it does look Fantastic..
Every time I see your last name I think of Harry Potter. I am not a Muggle..
Haha my nickname has been Muggles for years! Waaay before JK stole it! Was glad to finally see a Muggle tee in Uni this year too - of course I snapped it up. :-)
I should say not over-eating at the Food and Wine festival at Epcot, but I know I would not succeed.
Food and Wine festival is a bit tough! :)
Be Our Guest Resturant is on my list, but I would like to visit all the Disney theme parks in my lifetime. I know this is more of a goal than a resolution!
Every year I make a resolution to visit a park I've never been to before and a resolution to see a show or ride a ride that I've been on at one of my favorite parks.
Last year I added Six Flags St Louis to my resume (bad idea!), and got to ride Cheetah Hunt at Busch Gardens Tampa (great idea).
This year I'm aiming for Disney's Animal Kingdom as my park and Forbidden Journey as my ride.
I thought somebody asked but I couldnt log in on my home pc - I mean to visit Disneyland Anaheim.
(I've been to Paris)
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