The Wonderful Thing About Europe...

Ben Mills explains why Europe is the perfect place to host this month's European Theme Park Critics Awards, for more than just the obvious reasons.

Written by Ben Mills
Published: March 2, 2005 at 4:08 PM

There’s an old saying; if you want something done right, do it yourself.

A few months back, I set out on a task: to create the first European theme park awards festival that was voted on by the critics. This wasn’t handed to me – I started it alone. Along the way, I’ve managed to pick up an assortment of hooligans, ragamuffins, and expert theme park critics from around the continent. And why would I do such a thing? Well, I hope now to explain.

I feel that Europe holds some of the greatest theme park gems in the world, and I hope that the ETPCA will prove this. But while our continent may not take the edge over the United States when it comes to theme parks, I believe that we have an asset that is far more friendly, interesting, and profound than any American counterpart: our theme park critics.

In the case of Europe versus the USA, allow me to draw your attention to this edition of the Blog Flume. This shows just one of many incidences of the continuous bickering between the big American websites. And no, not all of them concern Jim Hill.

American theme park journalism is, unfortunately, rife with bickering and arguing, all in the name of competition between the various websites. I’m proud to affiliate myself with TPI, as it rarely strays into these website wars, but amazingly, this sort of action/reaction is seldom heard of on European theme park websites.

I could go all psychoanalytic on you about this, in a desperate attempt to explain the behaviour. But to be honest, I’m just happy accepting it for the wonder that it is. Every website is a piece in the puzzle, and that’s why they are able to play nice. The websites compliment each other, creating a rich tapestry of news, reviews and crazy half-baked rumours that is available to any theme park enthusiast who can muster up enough energy to Google a few words.

So I guess, upon further consideration, I like to think of the European Theme Park Critics Awards as a loving tribute to this wonderful online resource. The board members are your ambassadors, and I will play the part of the guy at the top of the ladder. Just because I can, really.

I’d be lying if I said that this wasn’t also a cunning ploy to drive European traffic for Theme Park Insider. I’m sure our partners feel the same way about their contributions. But I like to think that it’s a little more than that.

And if it’s not… well, at least we won’t slag each other off about it. We’re European, remember?

The companion piece articles from the ETPCA board members begin next Monday, to run alongside the Awards coverage here on TPI. Marcus Sheen – one of the finest theme park critics in Europe – will kick off the proceedings by justifying his choices in the eleven categories.

European Theme Park Critics Awards

Readers' Opinions

From Robert Niles on March 7, 2005 at 2:33 PM
Ugh, the bickering. I understand that some folks running various theme park-related websites have complicated personal relationships that go waaay back. And that some sites have become associated with certain people within and without the Walt Disney Company, people who have sometimes conflicting agendas. So those websites conflict at times, as a result.

But I've always envisioned TPI as a pioneer in "grassroots journalism." And, as a journalist, I believe my obligation is to the truth, and not any one personality. That's why we didn't take sides in the SaveDisney vs. Michael Eisner scrum and, contrary to the beliefs of some Disney fans and Disney employees, we as a site remain neutral, unaffiliated, unconflicted and fair toward all theme park companies.

What better place to run some awards, indeed. Thanks to Ben and everyone participating in the ETPCA!

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