Traveling with Pets?

Here's a question for pet owners on the site: What are some nice hotels near Walt Disney World that allow pets, for owners who don't want to leave their pets in a kennel? (Include those near other parks, too, if you'd like.)

From Becky Loyet
Posted April 8, 2003 at 9:13 PM
Does anyone know of a quality hotel near Disney World property that allows small animals in the rooms? We know that the Lowe's property of Universal offers pets in the rooms in addition to pet sitting services, but we would prefer to stay closer to Disney.

From Deborah Davis
Posted April 14, 2003 at 8:18 AM
I guess that no one knows of any.

Have you considered staying at a campground instead of a hotel? I've heard Disney's Fort Wilderness allows pets in some areas. (However, you can't leave the animal unattended, so if everyone goes to a park for the day, the pet must be checked into a kennel.)

From Anonymous
Posted April 14, 2003 at 12:20 PM
Actually, a lot of hotels allow pets, although they often charge an extra fee. I'd recommend that you just choose some hotels you’re interested in, and then give them a call to ask if they allow pets. Most Days Inn hotels allow pets, also Amerisuites, Holiday Inn…

From Anonymous
Posted May 28, 2003 at 1:09 PM
We just found out recewntly that all of the hotels on Universals Orlando's property are Lowes hotels and like the other Lowes. they allow pets, you just have to tell the person booking that you want a pet friendly room. They say they have special vac. cleaners to thouroughly clean the rooms of hair, dander, etc. So we are going there in 3 weeks to stay at the Royal Pacific with our dog. (you can have up to 2 pets per room).
In regards to Ft. Wilderness at WDW, yes you can bring pets IF you are staying in your own RV...not using their "wilderness homes" also you must tell them you need the pet "loops" when making reservations. We go with our RV, almost every month, it is so nice there!

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