The TPI theme park

An obvious idea that has never been done (whoops). Design your own theme park themed/based on the best theme park website on the net!

From Adrian Walker
Posted September 20, 2006 at 11:13 AM
O.K We have all seen the threads about designing your own universal park, simpsons theme park, being incharge of disney and designing a video game park.

However, it has come to my attention that we are missing a thread about designing the TPI theme park. An idea that has been staring us in the face and we havn't even noticed!

So here it is, the thread where you can make your own rides/shops/scenary designed on the best theme park website in the world.

To give you some idea of what you can come up with, here is my idea.

Coaster: "Dueling writers", a coaster based on the never ending war between Kevin Baxter and T Holland Creative and also on dueling dragons at IOA. (Idea borrowed without asking/stolen from Ben Mills)

Water ride: "The Blog Flume", an 100% original idea (99% not original idea). This ride is based on Dudley do rights because it has 3 of the best drops of all the log flumes in the world.

Restuarant: "Marky D's", based on Maccy D's (Mcdonalds in slang), to keep Mark Walker happy. Also comes with America's free refill system unlike like the stupid British.

Show: "Robert Niles: The making of TPI", based on the hall of presidents, this theartre type attraction has a robotic Robert Niles teaching the history of TPI. Free "R N is da bst!!!" badge for every visitor. Already have one? Don't care, it's compulsory.

Attraction: "Pirates of the carribean: the battle for Disneyquest", an attraction in which you board your ship to assist Jack Sparrow...Sorry, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow to save Disneyquest from being torn down by evil pirates. This may discourage you, but help is at hand because Captain Anthony Murphy will be there to assist you! Fight bravely, but remember...DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES!

Thier you go, those are my two pounds, give me yours! (I need the money)

From Anthony Murphy
Posted September 20, 2006 at 2:59 PM
I would put all the old rides from Disney and Universal.

This would include

Alien Encounter
Food Rocks
Who Wants to be a Millionare, Play it!
Back to the Future
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Murder She Wrote
Superstar Televsion

Yeah, I am a little strange, but I would like to see these attractions back!

From Daniel Binder
Posted September 20, 2006 at 3:06 PM

Any TPI theme park would have to include a small corner in the pathways where a certain board member would be holding a megaphone. He'd be hollaring in it, declaring to everybody walking by that all of the rides in this park sucked compared to Cedar Point! : )

From Erik Yates
Posted September 20, 2006 at 3:23 PM
I like that idea Daniel, but lets make it a little better. Lets make a coaster with one element from every major CP coaster that this individual boasts about. We'll make it duel with coasters like Sheikra and Everest, stuff that is greatly themed and have nice rides. At then end we have a survey poll, which side is liked the end of the day we blow up the CP side. In true TPI fashion. Of course that would get expensive, but would it be ever so fun!

From Jacob Palmer
Posted September 20, 2006 at 3:47 PM
Hahaha, you guys both (Daniel & Erik) had the exact same thoughts I did...But, to actually add to this idea..I think that new rides would have to heavily influenced by us, the park goers! And if a new ride came out, there would have to a suggestion box, taking ideas for ways to enhance the ride, etc. In my opinion, the park would need to be highly interactive.

From Erik Yates
Posted September 20, 2006 at 4:06 PM
I'm all for a "I hate disney" part of the park. We have the "Lets take over the whole world" where we see mickey mouse rampaging through swamps, ripping up historical monuments and even urinating on the weeping wall.
Also the line attraction. You wait in line, while looking at one nice picture after another of Walt and his dreams, and the line then empties out into the gift shop!

On the Universal front lets make the disney fans happy "Universal is inferior" land. We get a water adventure where the Yeti destroys and eats T-Rex. Then we have a mock up of all the classic Universal attractions...and you journey through bits and pieces of them.....where at the end you choose which one is closed and what its fate becomes. Just like Horizons! You can put Kong on a street corner with a sign that says "Will climb buildings for bananas" or go " the Future" with doc and Marty and see that they die in future poor broke and alone.
Now THAT would be just like! Relax Scott and Darryl...its a joke...

From Daniel Binder
Posted September 20, 2006 at 4:43 PM
LOL... good stuff...

From David Kirby
Posted September 20, 2006 at 6:07 PM
LOL, Erik. As much as I love Disney, I have to say I love that idea.

From Anthony Murphy
Posted September 20, 2006 at 7:35 PM
That would totally please everybody on this site! I love the idea Erik!

It will also be horribly run!

I enjoy the true TPI theme park proposal, very clever!

I am honored to be in one of your attractions Adrian, but what about Erik?

From Robert Niles
Posted September 21, 2006 at 8:18 AM
No McDonald's -- just In-N-Out for burgers.

No FastPasses. Your wait times are determined by your ability to answer trivia questions. More right answers = shorter, or no, wait.

Trolls are outfitted with an RFID device that on-ride scanners are programmed to look for then take the ride "101" when sensed.

No theme park company manager is allowed admittance until he/she commits to building a Simpsons, Wallace & Gromit or Harry Potter attraction in his/her park.

Wouldn't the inevitable second gate have to be Laurie's Violin Adventure?

From steve lee
Posted September 21, 2006 at 4:48 PM
Come on, guys. McDonalds vs. In-and-Out? We are working with a bottomless budget, right?

Let's hire some frakking chefs and make Mythos WORK to keep that "Best Restaurant" banner. Let's take the tired "burger and fries" formula and make it into something worth visiting. And let's do it at an economical price for a decent sized portion.

Keep the crap chains out of the parks. That means no McDonalds (even if its one of the Bistro ones, which are really pretty nifty), no Chic-Fil-A, no Bubba Gumps (10 years too late to capitalize on that one, Paramount!), no BK, no TGI Fridays, no White Castle, and for the love of all that's holy in this world, no damn Starbucks.

Think of the best restaurants in parks. Are you really coming up with a McDonalds over somewhere like the Enchanted Oak? Putting in chain restaurants is just an act of sheer laziness. We can do better. We MUST do better.

(crap. I still seem to have this soapbox)

From Erik Yates
Posted September 21, 2006 at 6:32 PM
Lets take it to the purists....a wildlife reserve where you get to go and hunt your own food. Then you take it in and celebrity chefs make it for you while you ride all of our wonderful rides.

From steve lee
Posted September 21, 2006 at 7:13 PM
Heh. Try doing that at a McDonalds. It'd be a first though, actually knowing what the hell you're eating...

From Adrian Walker
Posted September 22, 2006 at 9:25 AM
Well I'am glad you approved of the idea. As far as I see it, I could see you saving something that Disney shouldn't get rid of so that's how I came up with the idea.

An attraction based on Erik Yates? How would that sell!? LOL

Oh I got it!
Attraction: "Erik's alien encounter", based on the classic attraction Disney got rid of. You start by looking at Stich who is trying to locate an alien friend. Using a transportation ray we find a an alien and beam him up. To Erik's horror (happiness?) he discovers he beamed up the alien from the old attraction! And he's not pleased! After tearing Stich in half and throwing his insides into the audience (parents be warned), it's time to que the elements that made the old attraction so popular. I'll leave Erik to make up his own ending.

And seeing that everyone else is doing one...
Train ride: "really stupid railway", (note the r and s in the title) an attraction based on everyone's favourite comic relief on TPI, this attraction built up queues of up to 2 hours. The attraction does two oval circuits, each time going through a tunnel where you laugh yourself silly listening to immature comments. The whole ride lasts about 25

Let's see more ideas people!

From Daniel Binder
Posted September 22, 2006 at 1:19 PM

Several people have touched on this, but I haven't really seen it presented this way. My personal opinion is that Everest is one of the most gorgeous and incredibly themed coasters ever, although somewhat lacking on the thrill side. I was wondering how one could combine the best of Everest with the best of Dueling Dragons, and then I thought about Universal bringing Kong back, and making into the following:

Kongfrontation 2: Bigger and Better!

Looking afar on the opposite side of the park, one would see something very similar to the New York Skyline. It would be ACTUAL hundred story high buildings, some taller than others, spaced apart enough for tracks to go through, with the idea of replicating the New York skyline as much as possible.

The queue area would be featuring clips from the Kong movies or something like that. Haven't really thought that part out. Maybe ET like as far as a jungle atmopshere, but that doesn't fit in with the actual ride.

The lift hill would be identical to (or borrowed heavily from) dueling dragons, but as they go off the turns in opposite ways, the trains (shaped like airplanes) would swoop through buildings and so forth then enter a dark area, where it showed some scene with Kong fighting dinosaurs or perhaps crushing another airplane that was hovering ahead. It would then go out into a 70 degree or more drop out of and down the skyscraper, followed by immelmans leading into the near miss identical to dragons of both planes swerving upwards and missing by mere feet, followed by entering the second dark area (akin Everest) and having a massive animatronic King Kong trying to swat your plane away. To top it off, as the train manuevers to escape Kong's outstretched hands, it enters another surprise near-miss with the second plane (train) that has also avoided Kong's swipe (having another Kong on the other end for the other train to experience) before entering the unloading area.

Far fetched, I know. Logistical nightmare, for sure. But, wow, that'd be a RIDE!

From Erik Yates
Posted September 22, 2006 at 1:52 PM
Erik Yates the ride: I love it! The fact of disembowling The lights go out and we hear Erik running around swearing about disney and how stupid things are when we hear Mickey come in to check on whats going on.....He is then ripped to bits and thrown all over the soccer moms...blood smeared. "YOU WILL ALL PAY!" And it opens up to a huge coaster that throws you straight up and through loops.....the end.

From Adrian Walker
Posted September 23, 2006 at 2:57 AM
Attraction: "Back to the future", based on the classic ride at USF which is about to be torn down with the exception that the ride is no longer a simulator, but a ride like Dinosuar at AK. Marty Mcfly and Doc Brown have to stop Biff from changing history. Biff plans to hire various demolition teams to destroy the ride, he must be stopped at all costs before he ruins a ride that only needs refurbishing! This adventure spans through various places in history including the wild west, Victorian Britain, America in the present, TPI when it first started (!) and...shudder...TPI in the year 2036!

Themed land: "The best of the British", a land based on TPI legend Ben Mills. This section features rides that are the best of the British as the title states. I'll leave Ben Mills to make up his own attractions, or anyone else who wants to make a contribution to this land.

From Mark Walker
Posted September 23, 2006 at 3:31 AM
Another completly biased British response from Adrian.

I have two good ideas.

The TPI park should be a classic park, so therefore we need a classic woodie, or better still, 2. This is where my ride comes in. Hershay Park fans will know about Lightning Racer, one (or is it two?) of the best roller roller coaster woodies out there. Mainly because of it's racing and dueling elements. So this would be called: 'Walker Bro Racer'! You simply choose a side (Red - Mark, blue - Adrian) and enjoy the thrill of the contest of champions as the coasters battle it out in a race of the twins.

My second idea would be the same ride I put down in 'The Best Shoot - em - up ride' article. Another classic called: 'It's A Small World - The Revenge'. Check out the shoot em up article for more info on that.

Those are my two rides, give me yours!

(Wait a minute?...)

From Mark Walker
Posted September 27, 2006 at 6:05 AM
If by some random chance this park became a reality, then Universal and Disney would struggle to keep up with our TPI company!

Keep the ideas coming guys!

Oh and Adrian, we need a list of themed lands and what attractions we are going to put in them.

From Adrian Walker
Posted September 27, 2006 at 11:09 AM
Attraction: "Super Duper Anonymus Booster", a launching coaster based on all the random stupid anonymus posters from threads gone by. This coaster takes riders on a thrill journey by getting all the idiots who are all coaster junkies (who happened to claim that all the people on this site were the worst coaster critics) and blasting them toward a special surprise coaster element, a splash section which is 50ft deep Also, as pay back, we have taken away the safety restraints, that way when the coaster junkies have drowned, we can bulldoze it and build a proper coaster which we can all enjoy. The coaster will turn upside down and empty its anonymus cargo into the depths of the water section.

Mark: Oh and Adrian, we need a list of themed lands and what attractions we are going to put in them.

Will get back to you on that one Mark, need to think of some ideas.

Of course, other people can post ideas such as yourself...(Yeah you! You reading this right now! Post something!)

From Anthony Murphy
Posted September 27, 2006 at 3:01 PM
Disneyland- staring the ideas of me!

Universaland- Staring the ideas of Erik

Dueling opinions coaster would go between these two lands with the entance being to two different lands!

From Mark Walker
Posted September 30, 2006 at 12:47 AM
We also need a giant aquarium so we can save some species.

From Adrian Walker
Posted September 30, 2006 at 2:51 AM
O.k Mark, after careful consideration and extensive planning (I'am making this up as I type this), I will write down all the ideas we've got and place them in the TPI theme park.

I have split it into themed lands:

LAND 1: Disney delights
Based on Disney.

Attractions: Erik's alien encounter, It's a small world-the revenge, Pirates of the carribean-battle for disneyquest, Robert Niles-the making of TPI.

LAND 2: Universe studios
Based on Universal Studios

Attractions: Dueling writers, Kongfrontation 2-wrath of the king, Back to the future.

LAND 3: Best of the British
Based on of the british.

Attractions: Super duper anonymus booster, Oblivion, Nemesis, Duel.

Land 4: Anhueser (how do you spell it?) jungle:
Based on the company that brought you Sea World and Busch gardens.

Attractions: Shiekra (with a launching lift hill), The Aussie adventure-Steve Irwin show, really stupid railway, Walker bro racer.

There, that just about covers it, don't forget to add new rides! Also, you can come up with your own themed land.

Get busy!

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