The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter Merchandise Question

April 4, 2016, 11:47 AM

So my entire family are annual pass holders for Universal Studios. Mainly for the Wizaridng World Of Harry Potter, as its something we all enjoy. The very first time I went there, I spotted probably one of the coolest products they offered. In the Hogsmeade sector, in Dervish And Banges, there was a wall of Cast Iron Cauldrons for sale. Available in two sizes. They were replicas of the ones from the potions class in the movie. I immeadiately developed a liking for them, and said I would pick one or two up next time, as my hands were already breaking under the weight of multiple bags. Flash forward a month later, I go back to the very same store, and there was not even one there. Only glue to the top of some sets around the store. Replaced with a row of these ceramic cauldron mugs, that look quite cheap in comparison. I didn't know theme parks discontinued merchandise. I asked one of the people who worked there, who seemed quite rude, and didn't even know what I was talking about. I looked online like Amazon and eBay but it seems that is the only product not offered by sellers. All evidence of this vanished without a trace throughout the Internet, except for a picture a tourist took on Google. I checked some of the companies that universal imports products from, such as noble collection, summit collection, and nothing. Weird right? Does anyone happen to have any info on this?

Replies (5)

Edited: April 4, 2016, 9:38 PM

Check here...

If the cauldron you want is on that page, then they should be able to special order it for you if they don't have it in the store.

If the one you want is not on that page it is probably discontinued....and then your only option is E-Bay

April 5, 2016, 4:30 AM

Oh It's in that page, but they refuse to give me any info about it! What's up with that!

April 5, 2016, 10:48 AM

Go to the park, show them the website on your phone. When they play stupid, ask to talk to the manager and keep going up the chain until someone can tell you something.

Either that or call the resort and ask to talk to a manager in merchandising. Someone should know, but the worker bees in the shop won't know anything other than what is on the shelves.

Edited: April 5, 2016, 12:53 PM

I emailed guest services asking about the item, and if there was anyway I could purchase the item directly from the warehouse or manufacturer if there was some specific reason they don't want it on the shelf anymore, and they were rude to me like you wouldn't believe. Is this the same as a merchandising manager? I just can't believe that they charge you hand over fist and then cannot even employ the simple decency of being curtious to their customers. It just drives me nuts! But I will try like you suggested, and I thank you for the advice.

April 6, 2016, 2:03 AM

Email is good for record keeping, but you'll definitely want to speak to someone on the phone or in person.

I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't find that any longer. High quality items don't seem to be found too often. I've learned that lesson the hard way - if you see something that you think looks amazing, BUY IT NOW. Like eBay. Hehe. Or go to an ATM, back to your hotel, etc, get money, and return. Every day you wait is a chance that it's not sold any longer, or in the case of clothing, your size is not available any longer.

Gosh, I hate to hear this kind of thing because too many park items are cheap. Expensive, but cheap.

Good luck!

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